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To find love is exceedingly easy. You just have to link yourself up with your True Self, the Spiritual aspect of your being. Loving others, too, suddenly becomes very easy if you are able to maintain your own awareness of the love, which is connecting you to them upon the Spiritual level.  Amongst close family members it is often found that the bond of Spiritual love is felt to be stronger. So personal differences in character are bearing less importance and are less obstructive to the mutual feeling of love than they do in other relationships.


Love is love. It has nothing to do with anger, frustration, manipulation, jealousy, arguments etc. Bearing this in mind, one cannot help wondering why some couples are staying together - and are moreover professing to love each other...


Life is sacred and holy because it is of Divine origin. Whereas in a place of worship people naturally tend to pay respect to particular objects, words, gestures, persons that are viewed as sacred, holy or in some other way connected to God, in every day life (in a Western society at least) hardly anyone is aware oft the residing Divinity in all forms and aspects of life. However, by disregarding the Divine aspect of every moment of life that, which is endowing existence with a true meaning is being neglected. To the effect, that happiness, love, enthusiasm, freedom, joy, peace etc. are becoming elusive feelings that have to be chased after, longed for and held on to it once grasped for an instant. Whereas is you are living in the on-going awareness of the Divine aspect of life these qualities are coming to you naturally and are becoming part of your state of being. Being aware oft he Divine nature of things, beings, and instances makes you care for them lovin...


Personal depression can be seen as a state in which unconsciousness (temporarily) has the upper hand over consciousness. Depression in a human being is caused by a lack of light. In winter, when there is less sunlight to be had and in the far North where the sun is much lower in the skies depression occurs more frequently. However, the shortage of ultra violet rays shining down form the skies is only the secondary cause for the phenomenon of personal depression. Why? Life's reality is created from the inside out and thus a lack of external sunshine cannot possibly be the cause for this social malaise taking possession of individuals. Its root cause is rather a personal imbalance, an inner lack of light (love-consciousness) which is being enhanced by the relative outer darkness, thus surfaces and throws the individual in question into a phase of personal darkness. Sunlight and love-consciousness are closely related to each other because they are basically both derivatives of Divine...


It is a generally held belief, that to be in a relationship with someone is to be talking to and seeing the person in question at regular intervals. However there is a way to relate to another being which does not require any words nor physical meetings. This kind of silent or "absent" relationship allows much more space for truly relating to another person because you are free to commune from heart to heart without the possible interference of words and personalities which may be at odds. This is not to say that physically and verbally relating to another person does not count as relationship or is to be avoided. But it is wise to bear in mind, that without the "silent" aspect of love existing invisibly underneath it, it is worthless. Relationships are created by corresponding resonances and in a way everyone of us is  in relationship with the whole of the Universe. However the relationships which are of particular value in the course of ones individual developmen...


It is not enough to say that you love. It is not enough to talk about your belief and to preach your faith. It does not suffice to think you are aware and conscious. If you truly love, you are living your love in all that you are, think, speak and do. If you truly believe in the Divine you are manifesting your faith in acceptance of and surrender to each single moment of your existence. And if you are really living in the consciousness of the Light, you are no longer thinking about what you know but are simply living in the awareness of the wisdom of your heart.


To teach is to share. If you wish to truly share with other your wisdom/your love/your joy/your knowledge/your faith/your experiences of consciousness and to inspire them to follow in your footsteps you have to do so from an open heart and with an open mind. A true teacher (anyone can act as a teacher to others, who has found wisdom, joy and love for themselves in life) , one who truly aids others upon their personal path of Light, is one, who is able to lovingly accept his/her disciples in their individual way of being. A true teacher of the heart is free from prejudices and personal ideas about what the disciples exactly need. He/she is simply aware of him/herself in Love and is allowing others to share in this presence of Light. However, if you are trying to teach others by verbal instruction alone or in having found joy and love for yourself you are unable to open your heart and mind to the way other people are living their life and themselves, you might fascinate others and insp...


The idea of injustice is a creation of the human Ego. In the Divine order of things everything is in balance and if there is an imbalance it is but of a temporal nature. However, since our perspective as incarnated human beings is often impaired by our personal views of life and ourselves, we are hardly ever in a position to be fully aware of how this system of Divine justice works. And since mankind is in the possession of personal freewill, they can indeed incur injustice and thereby disturb this Divine harmony in which otherwise everything is always naturally ecqualised. So yes, in the short term injustice does indeed exist, whereas is a long-term view everything is fair and just because even though mankind is in a position to act against justice in misusing their freewill ultimately they will have to pay for it before the court of Love in Heaven. So upon a personal level you might occasionally be treated - or feel yourself being treated - unjust by others or life in general. ...


Following the path of Light will bring you fulfilment that grows and endures the rise and fall of the tides and the winds of change which are life's main characteristic. And although your quest is never really at an end you are coming to rest more and more in the still centre of your being. Whereas if you let yourself be led by the desires of your Ego, striving after fame and fortune, you are bound to meet misery along with the occasional satisfaction of your desires and you cannot find any true peace nor lasting joy.


Divine consciousness, of which we are forming part of, is limitless, boundless and free. In consciousness anything is possible and all the worlds and all the times can be here and now as one. The only one limitations, exclusions and boundaries there are to it are those existing in your mind and way of thinking. So if you are feeling conditioned by your life's circumstances and your destiny simply teach yourself to change your way of perceiving life and yourself. Learn to see the possibilities and ex-change your conditioning thought structures for new ones which are leaving free space for the impossible and improbable to happen to you.


Love-consciousness creates life and is life itself. Fear, on the other hand, creates suffering and separates you from life. Living in awareness you are experiencing life and are feeling loved. Here and now. Whereas existing identified with your suffering Ego you are missing life and believing that you have to search after love.


In restful sleep the soul is leaving its current physical self in order to visit places of Light and to be with its loved ones. This kind of sleep allows you to wake up refreshed, feeling light and with a rested body the next morning.In restless sleep your soul remains locked in the Ego-self in a maze of personal feelings, thoughts and physical desires. Hence in waking up the next day you are feeling confused, tired, heavy both psychically and physically because neither your mind, nor your emotions nor body have been truly resting. If you are able to drop off into sleep easily it is indicative of a deep-seated trust in your self which is allowing you to surrender your identification with your Ego effortlessly for the duration of the night. Whereas if you are of a fearful disposition, this fear may be either conscious or unconscious, sleeping and especially going to sleep and sleeping through the night to you is difficult. Because the unresolved fear in yourself is keeping you tied to...


It is the aim of human evolution to gain complete self-awareness and to thus become conscious co-creators of Gods' Creation. If you achieve full consciousness over the workings of your mind and thus also gain control over your personal feelings and instinctual reactions, you have reached the state of self-empowerment. Henceforth you are in a position exercise your gift of personal freewill in freedom and to decide over what kind of energies you wish to attract into your life. However, the question remains: why do you strive for self-empowerment and what are you going to do once you have got there? We have not been given freewill in order to make ourselves millionaires or to gain renown for our wordly accomplishments. We have been endowed with this unique gift in order to contribute to the universal harmony, love and peace through the medium of our personal selves.


Do not take yourself too seriously. Rather try to laugh about yourself and you seeming problems often. Because life is not about you, it is about the „you“ existing behind your personal „you“. And being able to look upon yourself and your personal issues as if from the outside with eyes and heart full of love and laughter, you are becoming united with your real „you“ for the time being.


To a semi-blind person all the colours in the world appear to be grey. And those whose inner vision of God manifest in life has not yet been awakened are equally blind to the rainbow of colours to be seen in the seeming greyness of a misty day or a sky heavily overhung with low clouds or in the expanse of whiteness of freshly fallen snow.


If you are quick to judge others in their way of being and behaving it is a sign that you are allowing yourself to be dominated by your Ego. If, on the other hand, you are quick to show neutral acceptance towards others, their way of being and behaving, without necessarily always understanding their personal motives for the way they are acting, shows that you are living directed by the wisdom of you heart.To be understanding towards others and your own self does not require of you to mentally and emotionally always know and understand the personal issue or situation in question. You only have to accept and acknowledge that which is in an attitude of non-judgemental and unconditional love. In this manner you are coming closest to a real understanding. Whereas to judge another, your self or a situation in the light of your Ego's reality is to bar off the channel by which the realization of the actual truth might dawn to you.


Weight just like time is a relative quantity and depends entirely upon ones current personal perspective. Therefore to be measuring something and to rely upon these measurements, with the exception when purely practical matters are concerned, is to miss the essential part of the thing/period of time one is measuring. Or should I rather say: believing to be measuring, because life and moments in time are really weightless and timeless beyond the physical sphere in which the Ego is having its existence in. So do not get hung up on the idea that your body must attain or keep to a certain weight, rather try to find the weight which is making you feel good inside, energetic and flexible. And do not worry about your physical age because your essence, your spiritual self is ageless and free.


The cause of tiredness and exhaustion is resistance. Only those things towards which you are harbouring (a hidden) resistance can make you grow tired physically and/or emotionally or/and mentally. Whereas if you fully surrender yourself to the task/action/movement in question you do not tire of it because you are carried by the flow of life. After a while you might still wish to have a break from it and to rest. This however not being from exhaustion but rather from the instinctual desire to create a natural balance. Because life in harmony is a balanced mix of active and passive phases. Therefore, overexertion, too, can be a possible cause for tiredness and exhaustion if you are not heeding the periods of passivity.


Is it not strange that in society those who are wishing to appear worthy, respectable and trustworthy to in the eyes of other people are actually dressing up to look the part? Would you not rather trust in someone's reliability if he/she were being just him/herself? Would you not honour someone for their way of being rather than for how they are dressed and styled? How far removed from the true nature of life, namely its spiritual aspects of love and light, a profession or social class is, can be judged by its obsession with titels or exterior appearances, namely suits, impeccable hairstyles etc. It could thus be said, that the greater the importance of ones exterior appearance and titel bears the less important is the position/service/action/work in question. Because that, which truly counts in life are the inner attitude and the motif for action. If you are acting guided by your will to do good, to help others, to create happiness, to express your love you will naturally and ef...


To personally like something is like an inner "yes". Indifference created by sincere personal non-attachment, too, has the effect of an inner affirmation. Whereas to dislike or to be negatively indifferent in the sense that you are frustrated and have given up hope is the same as an inner negation. To experience something of your natural liking is causing you to be effortlessly happy. And, of course, also the opposite applies here. Therefore, if you wish to be generally happy in life, you have to teach yourself to like whatever it confronts you with - beginning with your own self. Or you can learn to practise indifference towards personal matters whilst allowing your consciousness to rest in the awareness of Light and Love. Here are a couple of practical suggestions how to strengthen your capacity to say "yes" inwardly to personally challenging situations and to be less subjected to your natural dislikes. These exercises are also conducive to your positive will-p...


In order to transcend your Ego-mind you have to let go of the idea that you need anyone/anything special to be able to achieve it. Or that you have to travel some place in particular. Personal enlightenment is an inner change. Therefore the responsibility and the power to achieve it are entirely your own and yours alone. All you have to do is to teach yourself to change your focus from your personal level of consciousness to the super-personal one by ceasing to identify yourself with your thoughts, emotions and body. Instead you have to make yourself become their casual observer. Stop believing and living in the black-and-white reality and instead enter the kingdom of the rainbow. The colours therein are becoming visible to you if you are living in the awareness of your inner light.


In doing something the degree of your conscious awareness is the deciding factor in the evaluation of whether you are truly doing the thing in question or if you are just performing its outwards gestures and signs but are inwardly absent from the task. For example if someone is talking to you you can listen to it in different ways. If you are outwardly listening but are busy pondering upon a personal matter and are just nodding your head, you are not listening at all. If you are judging what you are hearing or the person talking to you, you are equally "absent" as a listener. And you will probably often find yourself in the situation where people assume that you already know things because they have told you about them, but you do not remember anything. To be seemingly listening to someone telling you about something but thinking of how you feel/experience/believe/know the same or differently from the talker is to be half listening. Because although you do not actually make ...


A scientific study has proved that caring physical touches, like hugs, received on a daily basis are of vital importance for the psychological, and even the physical, well-fare of human-beings. However, I believe, that through development of personal consciousness this essential human need is being transcended and leaves you free to live singly and unattached if you so desire without feeling anything lacking in this respect. Because: by becoming one with the Divine Unity of Creation you are feeling yourself encircled and lovingly held by the arms of the Universe - at any time and no matter where you are. Thus your desire to be physically embraced by another human being simply fades to the background of your consciousness until one day it has disappeared all together. Of course, you might still like hugging friends(and strangers) in greeting but physical touch and caresses to you are no longer of vital importance to maintain your personal sense of security and love in life. Living love ...


Unless you first finish with the old and let go your hold of it mentally, emotionally and physically you cannot possibly truly start with something new of the same kind. And I know this appears plain and logical in theory but in practice, by which is meant personal everyday life, this simple law is rarely being heeded. It is like reading a book whose contents are of an intricate, complicated nature. If you wish to understand the second chapter you have to read the first one carefully and consciously. Otherwise you will start on the second one but while you are reading it your mind is unable to absorb the new texts because it keeps replaying the things you remember from the first one. You can see people starting new relationships and all they are doing is reliving their previous one(s) with another person. You can see people wanting to start a "new" life in a new environment and although the place is new the habits with which they are enlivening this new home are identical to ...


The better you are able to love, understand and know yourself, the happier and more free you are in life. Because the less you are standing yourself in the way by the rejection of yourself and your missunderstanding towards your own way of being.


The silence of silences is greater than anything we could ever fully comprehend or know. However, by making yourself to become as one with it, despite not being able to encompass it with your understanding, you are coming to share in its transcendental beauty and greatness.


You can only be happy in a relationship in the long-term if you cease from looking for the “you” in the other and instead begin to try recognizing yourself in your opposite. Otherwise, sooner or later you will be confounded and feel disappointed/frustrated/angry/sad/confused by their way of being/behaving. Those you are in a close relationship with (it does not have to be your actual partner but also relates to family, friend, colleagues etc) are but an extended reflection of yourself. Therefore you have to first come to consciously recognize in them the aspects, which are a reflection of your own self before you are in a position to begin understanding the other aspects of their personality, which are not like your own. However, recognition and understanding are not enough if you wish to live in absolute harmony with others. Thereto you also and to love the aspects of your self you are finding reflected in your close acquaintances.  In short: start looking for the ...


There is a silence which separates you from other people/life/your true self and there is one that unites you to the whole of the Universe. The first kind of silence is born out of fear, the second is a child of unconditional love. Therefore the first is bringing life to an unnatural standstill whereas the second heightens its presence. Silence that is born of fear is only superficially still but further down seething with unspoken words and unspent emotions. Thus it appears hesitating and has a deadening effect on those who are coming into touch with. But silence born of Love is deep, endless and with an uplifting, vitalizing energy which gives you the impression that you are a softly flowing river.


Life on earth as we know it is but a shell which contains the actual, true life. Earthly life is only a reflection and a visible expression of that which is its essence. Therefore we should regard our daily existence as stepping-stones upon our eternal path towards its invisible aspect, the essence of life, which likewise is our own true nature at heart. Hence by the degree that you come to know yourself you come to discover both your true self and the true life.


There is a silence which only appears to be one and one, which is real. To be truly silent is an inner state of utter stillness which is filled with Light and Love and comes with a sensation of blissfulness. In such a state of silence your consciousness is becoming like a still surface of deep water in which the people you are spending time with can see themselves reflected clearly. And you yourself resemble the dark outer-space out of whose depths creativity and life arise continuously in new forms. However you can also be only seemingly silent without actually experiencing silence yourself because inwardly you are busy following round your thoughts and emotions. Or because you would like to speak but dare not or know not what words to say exactly. Thus your silence is portent with unspoken words charged with emotions which you are sending out involuntarily. They invisibly touch your surroundings and call forth a reaction in those who are coming into contact with them.


Ascetism can be practised in a natural or a forceful manner. You can wilfully decide to practise ascetism and force yourself to adhere to strict personal codes of behaviour and a simplified way of living, which are violating all your natural inclinations. And although your decision for this step might have been motivated by high ideals and a sincere desire to purify yourself/your body, in following the self-imposed strictures you are really working against yourself and your positive personal development. True ascetism has nothing in common with this kind of self-chastisement although to a casual by-stander they might look exactly the same outwardly. However, true ascetic behaviour and habits are arising naturally along your course of personal development of consciousness. It is an inclination towards the simple and pure, which naturally happens and has not priorly been thought out and decided upon.


To derive your sense of self-worth, trust and love in yourself from the things that you are being told by others, from personal accomplishments and knowledge, your good looks or from things you have done in the past is to build an elaborate edifice on the quicksand of change. The only unconditional, reliable and enduring sense of trust and love towards your own self and thus also towards life, is to be gained from your awareness of your inner Self and its reality of Light and unique beauty.


To hold a conversation has differing meanings for different individuals. What one means by it largely depends upon one's personal level of awareness because conversation can take place upon different levels of consciousness. Words and our power to speak are a practical institution/ability to enable us to exchange inspiring ideas and to talk over practicalities in life. However, because everyone has a slightly different understanding also of words as such, holding conversations at times rather complicates matters and causes obstacles instead of aiding a levelling of consciousness with another person. Those who are (still) caught up in Ego-identification are unable to truly hold a conversation because all they are doing, is to use conversation as a means of getting rid of their personal anxieties, frustrations, opinions, prejudices etc or to unconsciously express their minority/superiority complex. Thereby they are missing the true use of conversation. Because the only true conve...


In times of external darkness the higher senses of perception are felt more acutely and appear more prominent than in phases of daylight because there is less distraction from what one is seeing via the physical eyes. Hence there is a tendency in people, whose higher senses are awakened but not yet brought under their conscious control, to be more acutely aware of their personal fears when it is dark outside. What they are unconsciously perceiving via the higher senses is triggering their inherent fear and not having the sense of physical vision to distract their attention away from it the fear gains the upper hand. This can also concern those who are otherwise quite fearless in life because via the sensitivity the tenseness of fear can be picked up from the general atmosphere and taken for a personal fear in unconsciousness. I believe (deducing from personal childhood-experiences) that this offers a plausible explanation to the phenomenon of fear of the night in young children. They ...


There are different kinds of fortgetfulness. To forget things easily and not to be able to recall instances and contents conversations can be a sign of senility or of absentmindedness caused by emotional/mental stress, anxiety, distraction or confusion. Or it can be a sign of fear, if the person in question is suffering from a trauma of some sort and this traumatic and deeply unconscious fear is putting up barriers in the mind and blanking out parts of memory. And the fourth reason for forgetfulness of things that have taken place in the recent past can be a complete absorption in the here-now, when your consciousness is wholly at one with the current moment of life and thus no longer busies itself with thoughts of the past or future. How to know which kind of forgetfulness you are being confronted with either in yourself or another person? The first kind is obviously an epiphenomenon of old age. ( Although I do not believe the increasing tendency to forget things in elderly people to ...


All human beings are sharing a mind-pool, a higher mind from whence we are receiving ideas and thoughts according to our vibrational frequency. However most people are still unconscious of this fact and are thus interpreting their thoughts and ideas as purely personal inventions and phenomenons. Accordingly, they are regarding instances, which are being caused by this invisible connection, as coincidences instead of recognizing them as natural causes of mental attunement amongst those concerned. The worldwide web and mobile communications are simply demonstrating the actual reality of our global inter-connectedness upon a higher level, which to most people still is an incredible and even inconceivable reality. However the day will come when everyone will recognize the truth about this shared consciousness. Provided the general trend in society does not get lost in total dependency upon these electronic devices but starts back the other way towards the realization of our as yet u...


If you desire to change yourself or an external situation in your personal life you have to first fully accept the status quo. Acceptance is creating the necessary space for a change to occur. A space, which before has been taken up by your reasoning, explanations, excuses and attempts at justification why you or the situation are the way they are. And the same goes for accepting another person the way he/she is. Although to be exact you cannot actually change another person but if you come to accept them the way they are, you are admitting them more room to be themselves in on the one hand and on the other hand you are allowing yourself to see them and react to them differently from how you would have done if you had still been actively wanting them to be different.


All the externally projected desires for acknowledgement and admiration are born out of the longing to be loved. But since love can ultimately only be found in your own Self, however much you are being acknowledged, admired and loved by the world, it will never bring you satisfaction. Therefore it is much wiser to teach yourself to become independent of what the world is thinking of you and to love yourself anyway instead of longing, hoping, wishing to be famous or that you good deeds are being acknowledged and praised by the world. In this way your inner light is becoming radiant, lightening you up like a star because you are now spending the energy on yourself instead of vainly dispersing it in looking to gain praise externally.


Not until you have fully enlightened your own Ego, your Lower Self, are you in a position to be of true help to others. Before this has happened, you will only be helping others in order to help yourself, even though you might not be aware of it because your reason for action is really motivated by your desire to be of service to another being. But while you are still (partly) identified with your Ego-Mind you cannot help serving your own self first and foremost. Which, of course, is not wrong because it is to a great extent by means of interaction with others that personal consciousness becomes enlightened.


The road to the discovery of the True Self inevitably leads through darkness. That this should be so is only natural if you come to think about it. Because the only way to learn to consciously become aware of light is by experiencing its opposite. Just after the motto: The darker the night, the brighter appears the light.


If you wish to still your mind, you have to start by not engaging in the stream of thoughts incessantly flowing through your mind. Instead you have to make yourself their disinterested observer. However, because the mind cannot help producing thoughts, simply standing by and watching its movements is not enough to reach a place of silence within your mind. And wanting to stop the current of thoughts moving through your mind is like trying to stop a strong river flowing along its course. You cannot but fail. And if you have been hoping to be successful at it you are feeling frustrated and discouraged at your fruitless attempt on top of your failure. But what you can do, is to take the conscious decision to change the contents of your thoughts and to thus guide your mind gently towards the desired state of silence. One way of catching glimpses of such a state of silent serenity is to start up as second thought-reel in your mind. One which you are consciously filling with beautif...


Do not think about what to do, how to be, speak or act  - just live your life and your own being each passing moment in conscious awareness and as if it were your first time and your last you are experiencing them. Living in this manner your life becomes suddenly very simple, your mind clear and your intention pure, innocent. Because it is only your thoughts enducing feelings to follow, which are causing the problems in your personal existence and are making you feel uncertain, distrustful and doubtful of yourself and life in general ( at times).


If you wish to change your life, you have to change your way of thinking. If you long to be loved simply start to think lovingly and act lovingly. In the first instance towards your own self and in the second towards those beings and parts of life you are interacting with. In this manner you are sending out waves of love, which in due course shall return to you. And if you would like to be happy stop looking for happiness in the external world and instead turn around at your self and teach yourself to be happy with who you are and your personal lot in life. Happiness is not a question of being lucky in the destiny you have been dealt with by God but to willingly accept the personal challenges it is confronting you with and learn to enjoy mastering them.


There is nothing wrong with your Ego per se. But you should not allow it to rule your life. Because the Ego is like a dominant king, who is ruling his country in a state of continual fear. Thus he is either constantly busy defending the borders of his kingdom or even trying to conquer the land around his own. Furthermore such a king is always suspecting his people to be plotting intrigues against him. Also, he is fighting both against his wise, peaceful wife(intuition) and his own grand vizier(common sense) who are both trying to counsel him to cease battling and to enjoy the love he is being surrounded with instead. Your Ego ought to behave like a wise king who has come to realize that his wife and his grand vizier are more wise than himself and thus well worth listening in most situations. This kind of king is also aware of the fact that he need not fear intruders or villains out to cause him or his country harm for as long as he is living in the awareness of love at his court and i...


Why do your work? Because you (believe you) have to or because you like doing so? Is your motivation for going to work and staying in your job because (you believe) you have to in order to be a respectable member of society/part of your family? Do you work in order to be able to pay your mortgage/rent/shopping/car/holiday? Or rather because you love the challenge for personal growth it is offering you and because you enjoy the interaction with people/matter/digits/words/ideas/animals etc. it involves? If the first to answers apply to your situation your motivation for working is fear. fear of being worthless, fear of being unloved, fear of losing your existence, fear of spoiling your future or of having no future or fear to the kind of job, which you would really like to do. However, although your going to work regularly might appease your fear(s) for the time being the moment you are out of your job either by fate or due to your age/health, it will catch up with you. Therefore it is ...


The more conscious you are growing the more difficult it is becoming for you not to sin. In a former blog-post sin has been defined in terms of committing an act in disregard of the Universal Law of Love and to thus do harm to some part of the Divine Unity of Life.  With growing personal awareness and understanding in most situations you can no longer plead ignorance and thus you are confronted with the decision to adhere to the Law of Love or rather to commit a (minor) sin. Western society of today is built to a great extent upon sinful acts against the Divine Unity of Life and mainly against Mother Nature. And even if one is trying to do one's best to always act conscientiously and not to sin against Mother Nature, it is very difficult if not actually impossible in some situations. To radically erase all sins from one's personal life a lot of money is needed because you would have to start by building yourself a house, which is in any way in confor...


Since the very beginning of history have inspired individuals such as artists, musicians and geniuses been either loved or hated, admired or shunned by society. And they have hardly ever been understood save by the like-minded ones. Inspiration is a state in which your mind is lifted above its ordinary level of personal, everyday consciousness. Thus it greatly challenges the Ego part of the mind. Therefore do those who are confronted by an inspired person but are themselves lacking love and trust within their own being feel personally threatened. Their defence is to fight them. Either by ridiculing, shunning, ignoring or accusing them in any way they can. Whereas those of an open-hearted and open-minded disposition are able to enjoy the personal challenge which inspired individuals are representing and are appreciative for their new and original impulses.


One of the main natural instincts inherent in all living beings, besides finding nutrition and procreation, is to protect their dwelling-place and especially their place for sleeping. Regarding us human-beings the home and above all the bedstead are the places, where we can find rest physically, emotionally and mentally and recuperate from the daily demands put upon us by the world and society. In most human beings however this instinct has become greatly distorted. Because their way of creating a secure home is to build huge houses and furnish them expensively, install alarm systems, looking and shuttering up doors and windows against possible intruders, fencing of their properties for the same reason. But all these things are not giving them the sought-after inner peace nor offering the ideal circumstances for the required rest. Many people, and possibly those living in luxury even more so, are suffering from sleeplessness, restless sleep and a number of other stress-related nervous...


Stress and tension are outward symptoms of an inner state of fear. Therefore, changing your life's circumstances, reducing your personal appointments and duties in your daily schedule, physically relaxing more, taking a holiday etc. are all things, which are only of temporary positive effect regarding your state of tension. The same can be said about stress-reducing therapies because although physical therapists can help you release the tension in your body, psychoanalysts, psychiatrists and close friends are able support your mentally and emotionally but they can do nothing about the fear lying hidden in your unconscious Self. So the only way to lastingly eliminate stress from your system is to consciously recognize its root cause in your own Self and to replace it with love.


The less you are relying upon exterior sources telling you what you are to think, how you should feel and how you are to be and what you should have and know, the closer you are getting to your True Self and your own truth. And the better you can hear your inner silence and the wise voice of your inner teacher speaking to you from within your heart. (What is meant by external sources? All manner of books, newspapers, radio, TV, music, family members, friends, social codes etc. In short everything which is not a creation of your own making.) It takes practise to come to hear your inner voice of wisdom and to learn to differentiate your own truth from the ones others are forcing upon you. And it takes a lot of self-confidence and trust in your own perception to heed your inner source of wisdom and knowledge and to stand up to your own truth. However, there are times where it is of value and advisable to be listening to external sources for (new) information and to...


The way some people talk one might get the idea that their lives are mostly about having to stand the company of obnoxious collegues/acquaintances/family members, suffering from a host of illnesses, avoiding unpleasant situations, winning over enemies, getting wronged by others and making good bargains or spending huge sums. How sad for them in view of the fact, that that which is making life pleasurable and meaningful is to enjoy the company of lovely people, to relish ones physical existence, to welcome challenging personal situations, to be at peace with one’s neighbours, to do good for others and to give and receive as much love as possible with open arms and from an open heart.


If we are incarnated in a physical body and lving on earth for the reason to come to know God trough ourselves then it is necessary for us to actively try to approach both God and ourselves in deepening our understanding. There are uncountable methods of doing this but in my opinion the easiest and most effective ones are those which are practised every day and need no special provisions and conditions. So there is your personal everday life. To cultivate and to keep to daily routines is equally valuable as giving yourself room for improvisation and intuitive actions and as important as daring to try doing new things from time to time or the habitual ones in a different way. Habitual actions are creating a regular rhythm in your life and are leaving your mind free to lift itself above your personal existence and interests, to fly to greater heights by the contemplation of life, God and the Beauty of His Creation. Whereas unplanned intervals in your daily schedule are giving you the o...


If you wish to rid yourself of extraneous influences you have to centre your awareness is your own being. You have to focus your attention upon your silent centre within, instead of allowing it to drift off with thoughts, emotions, desires and fears which are generally all related to the past and strongly influenced by your subconscious and thus out if your control. If you are focussed upon your still centre your auric field is clearly demarcated and you are in control of your perceptions. In this manner your auric field might be small or large it does not matter, you are in control of who or what is allowed to enter it because you are aware of yourself. Whereas, if your attention is unconsciously absorbed by the fluctuations of your mind, emotions and physical sensations your auric field is open to foreign influences, simply because you are not truly "there". Thus anyone and anything can enter your personal energy field and feed on it. And because there is no clear boundary...


To be practising Yoga in a devotional attitude is rendering you free and alive, because the exercises are creating space within your body and breath and are stimulating the activity of the heart. And if in so doing you achieve to find your still centre your mind is becoming clear and you attain to a state of independence from exterior stimuli. Henceforth you will be feeling entertained and endlessly creative without requiring anything from the outside. Because via the source of silence inherent in your own being you are coming into contact with the Divine Infinity which is Creativity in itself.


To be happy is extremely simply. All you need thereto is to become consciously aware of the reality of Love which is omnipresent and inherent in every single moment of life. And when your awareness is thus attuned you are sure to forget all your fears, worries, doubts, conditioning beliefs etc...


True beauty is an inner quality. It is not dependent upon exterior assets such as wearing expensive clothes, sporting an elaborate hairstyle, having a wrinkle-free face, perfect figure, fine features etc. Although these aspects may enhance your inherent beauty. You are truly beautiful when you let your inner light shine through your eyes and your whole being. This kind of Divine beauty is making those who are in your vicinity feel loved, accepted and at peace with themselves and requires no further action on your part.


You can learn a lot from looking up to the skies. Watching the clouds move across the great expanse above teaches you great truths such as the law of eternal change. And that the winds can blow from different directions but in the end it does not matter where they are coming from because all the clouds they are bringing along one day will have gone past and the only thing remaining unchanged is the Light of the life-giving Sun. The different directions of the winds can be likened to the different levels of your being, the emotions, thoughts and the physical sensations. They, too, come and go and are sometimes taking up every bit of free space available. And through it all there is the Light of your Heart shining and quietly waiting for them to go away again. Even the "clouds" which are appearing very big and important in the world are in fact insubstantial and will one day be gone without leaving a trace behind safe maybe a vague memory in those who have witnessed ...