There is a silence which separates you from other people/life/your true self and there is one that unites you to the whole of the Universe. The first kind of silence is born out of fear, the second is a child of unconditional love. Therefore the first is bringing life to an unnatural standstill whereas the second heightens its presence. Silence that is born of fear is only superficially still but further down seething with unspoken words and unspent emotions. Thus it appears hesitating and has a deadening effect on those who are coming into touch with. But silence born of Love is deep, endless and with an uplifting, vitalizing energy which gives you the impression that you are a softly flowing river.
There is always a way out of any situation in life. If at times you feel there is none it is because you are staring straight ahead believing to be infallibly sure of your next step. Instead of allowing yourself the possibility to turn around a walk back a few steps from whence you came from and simply observe your prior position from this little distance. Or to look left and right instead of believing there is only one possible direction in which it is possible to walk in - or that you must go that way and no other for some reason.
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