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Showing posts from August, 2016


If life and your existence for you is a kind of battle instead of a playful joyful dance, it means you have not yet learned to love your self and that you are still afraid to embrace your whole being. There is still the fear in you of being and expressing your self in love. And if you believe you have found love in your self and wish to dance with it and yet experience the need to fight in any way to live according to your true being, it is because your trust in the love you have begun to experience in your self is not yet deep/real enough to you.


Your knowledge and wisdom are real and true if you are able to practically and consciously manifest them in your daily existence. To be truly wise is to be living in concious awareness of the reality of love and light here-now. Past experiences of fear no longer condition you and your inner freedom is refected in the fluidity and harmony of your movements in your self and in life. For as long as knowledge and wisdom remain theoretical, they are only masks you wear and fear is what you actually know and live by.


What does it mean to be truly respectful of another living being? It is to be aware of their way of being in the moment and allowing them to be this way without demanding or expecting of them anything else. You acknowledge their way of being and find your own way with it by being your self truthfully. If you demand or desire respect of an other it is because you are afraid to accept their reality of the moment - and your own. Also, you can seemingly respect each other from fear of facing the truth of who you both are and are together. To be truly respectful is to be existing no longer in the reality in which respect or no respect exist. You are simply aware in your self and of life and beings around you and move in accordance and in a state of inner harmony with the reality of the energy of the present moment.


There is a kind of love which unifies and unites and one that renders us poignantly - at times even painfully - aware of boundaries, limitations and our separateness. The mastership of true loving is to attain the awareness of the first and to henceforth exist in this state even whilst passing through personal experiences of the love that separates.


All life is about love. We are mediums for the Divine Love Force. It is the power of our understanding the experiences of love we make at their depth, which awakens the potential reality of love existing in earthly life.