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Personal depression can be seen as a state in which unconsciousness (temporarily) has the upper hand over consciousness.
Depression in a human being is caused by a lack of light. In winter, when there is less sunlight to be had and in the far North where the sun is much lower in the skies depression occurs more frequently. However, the shortage of ultra violet rays shining down form the skies is only the secondary cause for the phenomenon of personal depression. Why? Life's reality is created from the inside out and thus a lack of external sunshine cannot possibly be the cause for this social malaise taking possession of individuals. Its root cause is rather a personal imbalance, an inner lack of light (love-consciousness) which is being enhanced by the relative outer darkness, thus surfaces and throws the individual in question into a phase of personal darkness. Sunlight and love-consciousness are closely related to each other because they are basically both derivatives of Divine Light. They are both aspects of the same Divine life-force which is the root cause of everything in existence. And so has each level of our personality its own kind of light or love-consciousness. Upon the physical level it is harmonious movement, upon the emotional it is agreeable feelings and upon the mental it is positive thoughts. Thus it can be seen, that personal depression may be caused either by emotional suffering, an overdue of physical inertia or a tendency towards negative thinking. Low quality nutrition, too, enhances the tendency for depression in people. Food that has been highly processed/chemically treated/imported from afar/produced against the natural laws of Mother Nature/on the expense of the individual welfare of its producers etc. Because such products are practically devoid of life-force and are fruits of unconsciousness rather than of love the way natural products are. Also a life-style which is not in accordance with Mother Nature, Her seasons, Her natural laws or far removed from her soothing and fortifying energies emanating from Her soil, plants, trees, winds further depression because from Her elements we are receiving love-energy. Whereas asphalt, air-conditioned air, plastic, computers, artificial lightning etc. are all consumers of this light and life enhancing love-energy.
Therefore, to avoid or to remedy depression is really quite simple. You just have to get daily exercise in the fresh air - and not inside a fitness studio. Eat healthy, wholesome and non-treated, local foods. Cultivate positive thoughts and do not indulge in excessive day-dreaming/novel-reading/TV-watching etc. See to it that you are spending enough time away from technical appliances, are in touch with natural materials, do not spend all day inside your car, heated-rooms, artificially lightened rooms. And in case you are living in a town let your eyes and attention rest upon a tree/bit of grass or another piece of living Nature regularly and at least once a day and cultivate conscious breathing whilst being outside. Because oxygen, too, is a potent carrier of life-force.
Depression may possibly be the worst kind of personal suffering because it is mainly experienced by the mind, which generally believes itself to be in charge of everything but is now experiencing its impotence.


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