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To hold a conversation has differing meanings for different individuals. What one means by it largely depends upon one's personal level of awareness because conversation can take place upon different levels of consciousness.
Words and our power to speak are a practical institution/ability to enable us to exchange inspiring ideas and to talk over practicalities in life. However, because everyone has a slightly different understanding also of words as such, holding conversations at times rather complicates matters and causes obstacles instead of aiding a levelling of consciousness with another person. Those who are (still) caught up in Ego-identification are unable to truly hold a conversation because all they are doing, is to use conversation as a means of getting rid of their personal anxieties, frustrations, opinions, prejudices etc or to unconsciously express their minority/superiority complex. Thereby they are missing the true use of conversation. Because the only true conversation is the conversation of hearts which takes place in moments of silence when two individuals are vibrating on the same level of frequency. And all conversations held in words are really only a way of achieving this levelling of consciousness between individuals.
However, if you are feeling yourself able to converse by heart do not let yourself be discouraged from practising this art simply because those around you are appearing to be only using words. Simply let their words pass by you and focus your attention upon the level of the heart. In this manner by and by your opposite will unconsciously learn to attune to this vibration of love also. Or if he/she be not ready for it (yet) they will pass out of your life and be replaced by others who are closer to your own vibrational frequency.


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