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We are all individualized living beings and as such unique in ourselves. Meaning, that no-one looks, feels, thinks, smells, senses, understands etc exactly the same way as each and everyone one of us does. And yet, society at large is teaching that unless you are "normal"(the same as the idealized standard) you are somehow wrong in the way you are and thus obliged to change/adapt yourself to the so-called standard. And at the same time the social ideal is to be best at everything - or at least better than most. This, of course, is contradictory to the first doctrine because if you are like everyone else you cannot simultaneously be better than them, too. Therefore it is little wonder, that most people are not feeling at one with themselves, do not truly like themselves the way they are and are afraid to be who they truly are and to live their lives accordingly. No wonder they are feeling unhappy a lot of the time and trapped in their daily existence.
Joy and happiness arise in the self in moments of inner harmony. And inner harmony can only be, where the truth of the current state of being is being accepted and acknowledged. This inner attitude of saying "Yes" whole-heartedly endows you with wings to express your beautiful individuality in every moment anew and to grow in peace into a Divine child of love.


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