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Peace is an inner state of being. Even though the world is promoting the idea that it is something which must be brought about externally. To be personally at peace is to be free to live in love and light.
In close personal relationships it is usually felt the most difficult to find your peace. But they also offer the most rewarding and profound experiences of peace and freedom to be yourself. Inner peace can only be, when you have forgiven first. Yet again, forgiveness is an inner act and only indirectly involves forgiving other people. Forgiving others is a good start anyway, and it eventually leads you to the realization that although you are apparently forgiving others for the way they are, you are in fact simply beginning to accept and love yourself and your way of being.

Physical parents are a kind of gate through which soul enters into life on earth. It is similar to the toddlers game in which there is a closed box with cut out holes in its top and a set of cut out pieces of wood that match the holes. There is only one shape that matches each hole. What I am saying is, that in order to pass through it must be of exactly the same shape otherwise its entrance is barred. Meaning, that if part of you were not very much like your parents you could not have entered the world through their conjoint beings. Therefore, the paths to forgiveness invariably involves forgiving your parents (ie yourself) for the way they/you are. Of course, they on their part have to forgive you also (as well as themselves and each other) if they wish to be at peace. The relationship you are experiencing with them externally only acts as a way-shower to where the inner work must be done in order to be free and at peace. However, you can do your own work of forgiving and peace-making without requiring the aid of their personal presence, provided that you are independent enough in your own consciousness. Of course, peace is the most beautiful and rewarding experience when it is being shared by both sides. But you should not keep yourself from finding your own peace simply because you believe or actually see your parents(child) not to follow you on your way into the light of love. Trust that your inner peace and freedom will affect them as far as they are prepared to allow it to. Either they are ready to release their fear of facing the reality of themselves and eventually follow your example or they are not, in which case your peace will offer them a little relief in their state of inner conflict.
On a soul level and at heart we can feel close connectedness independent of personal discrepancies. So once you have found inner peace you no longer feel the necessity to seek personal closeness to those whom you perceive to be not yet ready to share your inner freedom at least to some degree.


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