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In dual spheres of life there are days and nights, light and darkness.
Dark nights make you appreciate the bright daylight and shadows teach you to see the source of light.
It is inevitable that in the course of your individual path through life you are encountering metaphorical nights and you have to walk on without seeing your destination ahead of you. If you are believing in darkness and do not know that there is an eternal light guiding your steps at all times, this engenders fear in you, causes you to doubt and even to stand still sometimes not daring to move ahead. You believe yourself forsaken by the light and by love.
However, once you have awakened in the realization of your own inner light, now recognizing darkness as relative in the safe knowledge that the next dawn is not far off, you are filled with trust in life, in love and in your Self. Living in the awareness of your inner light and your trust in the power of love, dark nights are no longer frightening you nor do they seem completely dark because your inherent trust is enabling you to always see as far ahead as you next step in front of you. Thus you keep on walking, possibly even dancing, along your path even through the nights.
Therefore, trust in love and light and you will be able to perceive the light in the darkness, which is guiding you through your heart.


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