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The less you are relying upon exterior sources telling you what you are to think, how you should feel and how you are to be and what you should have and know, the closer you are getting to your True Self and your own truth. And the better you can hear your inner silence and the wise voice of your inner teacher speaking to you from within your heart.

(What is meant by external sources? All manner of books, newspapers, radio, TV, music, family members, friends, social codes etc. In short everything which is not a creation of your own making.)

It takes practise to come to hear your inner voice of wisdom and to learn to differentiate your own truth from the ones others are forcing upon you. And it takes a lot of self-confidence and trust in your own perception to heed your inner source of wisdom and knowledge and to stand up to your own truth.

However, there are times where it is of value and advisable to be listening to external sources for (new) information and to let yourself be inspired by it in defining your own truth But periods where your channels are closed to them and your attention turned exclusively inwards are equally important and must balance the external active phases. Otherwise you are experiencing an overload of information causing you to loose your inner balance and your centre of silence.
Ultimately the only place where you are at home and can be at rest is within your own heart which is linking you to your Spiritual reality. Not to know how to get there is making you a restless wanderer of the Earthly plane. Therefore it is adviseable to spend time each day cultivating your connection with your spiritual origins and true identity.


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