The denser manifestation becomes as the Divine force descends down the planes until it is finally concreted into matter, having taken on definite forms, the greater its surrounding resistance, the slower its vibrational frequency. Resistance and opposition bring time into existence. In other words, the less conscious of the Divine God Force the weaker is its connection to the eternal qualities. The more restrictive the limitations it meets with, the greater its proneness to fall victim to the effects of time. Unconscious physical shapes of life thus offer the greatest possible resistance which is why they are invariably prey to the process of ageing and disintegration more explicitly than insouled forms. This explains why intelligent animals like for example apes and elephants grow much older than so-called
mindless ones. Human individuals who are living in an elevated state of personal consciousness usually grow to a much greater age than those who are living their life in Ego-mind reality because the Ego-mind in its usual form is deeply unconscious and offers much resistance and opposition to the natural flow of the God force. Whereas in a true meditative state all sense of time disappears, leaving you utterly submerged in the everlasting here-now and harmoniously at one with the God force.
mindless ones. Human individuals who are living in an elevated state of personal consciousness usually grow to a much greater age than those who are living their life in Ego-mind reality because the Ego-mind in its usual form is deeply unconscious and offers much resistance and opposition to the natural flow of the God force. Whereas in a true meditative state all sense of time disappears, leaving you utterly submerged in the everlasting here-now and harmoniously at one with the God force.
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