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If you are feeling that life is a burdensome drudge, something to be got through and to be put up with, rather than to be enjoyed because it is bad/difficult/cumbersome, it is not life you are seeing but a poor caricature of it. Only a distorted picture of life, that has been created by your Ego-mind. One that has developed out of fear and false ideas, beliefs, prejudices of all kinds- either of your own making or acquired from external sources like the media, friends etc.
Life, untainted by your Ego's realities, is beautiful, colourful and full of magic. Every instant of it is new, unique and full of opportunities to manifest love and joy.
Yes, it does have its personally challenging moments, too. Not all experiences upon the level of the Lower Self are easy. However, since they are all self-created, you are holding the key to dissolve them in the light of your awareness and love. Therefore there is no reason for you to be afraid of even those experiences, whose outcome you feel you cannot fore-tell. Be adventurous and dare venturing into unknown territory in the choice of your experiences. Especially valuable are those, which you are undertaking in a state of mental surrender. Because it is in the moments where the mind actively surrenders to life as it actually is, contrary to what it is expecting it to be, gravitational experiences are made, that have the power to transform your existence.
Take young children for your teachers, or re-call like you yourself in your earliest childhood saw everything, very experience you made as something special and of importance. This is because little children have not yet formed ideas of life in their minds but are still experiencing its true, beautiful reality.


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