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If the meaning of the term "miracle" is deduced from how it is generally employed, its definition would be to describe it as something which suddenly appears or happens without giving prior notice.
 However, all visible forms of life are the result, the end-product so to say, of an  invisible process of development which has preceded its apparition in matter.
Therefore even if something does appear seemingly out of no-where, it has passed through its due phase of preparation beforehand.
The more conscious you are becoming, the finer tuned your higher senses are, the more distinct you will be aware of the periods of preparation for the so called miracles appearing in your life.
They are like flowers that have grown our of tiny seeds that have been planted in the receptive soil.
In unconsciousness your seeds are uncontrollably strewn hither and thither in often barren soil and usually forgotten about. Whereas living in personal consciousness you are in a position to plant them with clear intention in fertile soil and knowing where you put them down you can help their germinating process by bestowing loving care upon them.


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