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Every aspect of Creation which appears in the spheres of duality has two opposing sides to its nature.
It is left to you whether you wish to see and focus your attention upon the bright or the dark side of things and occurences.
Even those things which might appear mainly in the negative, revealing their destructive aspects to the common observer first and foremost, contain bright and constructive elements.
Lets take, for example, the increasing ratio of air travel and the trend of people voyaging to far flung places for their holiday, which from an environmental point of view is definitely damaging to life upon our home planet. Now, its positive aspect is the increasing globalization of Nations. Even though there might be a minority of tourists who do not make an effort to understand and respect their host country and its inhabitants. On the whole it promotes the understanding and tolerance between different cultures and their usages. Every single new friendship which is being formed, especially those between individuals of different nationalities, adds to and strengthens the growing union of humanity, whose ideal for the future is to become an amalgamous whole. A collective, in which every individualized part is at peace and in harmony within itself and with the other parts simultaneously.
You might also chose to look upon wars, unrest and catastrophes happing in various places around the world in a new and different light. (Please take note that: I am not saying that they are good and to be supported or promoted. Not at all. I am simply pointing out, that they are not all bad and destructive.)
In times of calamities, people usually draw nearer to each other and formerly existing boundaries thus disappear. In times of crises super-human forces are activated, enabling mankind to rise above their habitual limitations and calling into life the unifying element of compassionate love between individuals, groups, or even between nations.


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