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Although the uncountable multitude of different forms and structures of life are ranging from being very simple consisting of a single cell body only, to unspeakably complex systems of interdependent parts held together by stresses and inter-relationships, they are all moved by the same Spirit of God. The Divine Breath, expressing itself in a instinctual movement of expansion and contraction. An unfaltering, unalterable rhythm. A life-endowing flow of Energy joining all parts of Creation together and making them into One.
Therefore it can justly be said that Life is very simple. It is just this regular process of inflowing and out-flowing breath.
Whenever it appears to be otherwise and you are finding life complicated and confusing, you can be sure, that it is not Life you are seeing but rather your Ego's idea of it. If life seems difficult in any way to you, it is a sure proof that you are identifying either with your emotions/thoughts/body or all of them. The Ego cannot help finding life complicated because it is caught up in its own limited beliefs.
The easiest and quickest and also most efficient way to get out of Ego- identification, in order to find back to simplicity and clarity of Mind, is by focussing on your breath. Because the process of your body breathing is your link to the God Source and the equivalent to the Divine Breath, which is holding together the Universe and makes the planets circle around the sun.
By concentrating upon your breathing you are harmonizing your different levels of your being and bring them back into alignment with the Divine Life Force. Thereby you  are effectually clearing away the obstacles your Ego-mind has piled up within yourself and all around you .


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