The inherent habit of the Ego-mind to think in clearly defined shapes and to perceive life in concrete forms alone, is endowing it with the valuable faculty of being able to differentiate between different shapes and forms. However, only once you have consciously recognized and resolved the fear in your Ego are you able to make observations concerning the differences in forms without simultaneously being judgemental about them and to see yourself either as inferior or superior in relation to the object of your attention. Someone living still identified with his Ego cannot perceive a difference between these two differing methods of approach because being caught in the fear-conditioned way of thinking all comparisons appear judging to him.
There is always a way out of any situation in life. If at times you feel there is none it is because you are staring straight ahead believing to be infallibly sure of your next step. Instead of allowing yourself the possibility to turn around a walk back a few steps from whence you came from and simply observe your prior position from this little distance. Or to look left and right instead of believing there is only one possible direction in which it is possible to walk in - or that you must go that way and no other for some reason.
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