The reality of the physical plane and of personal life is created by thoughts which are being enlivened by emotions. Hence only clear motives produce clear results. And clear decisions are mostly products of the intuition because the
Ego-mind riddled by instinctive fear of change is commonly unable to be clear on
anything, save when it is trusting the voice of intuition and follows
its instructions. Generally, the clearer you are in your decisions concerning changes in your personal life, the quicker and more easily they are coming into being. Even though at times from a rational view-point the aims of your intuitive decisions might appear far fetched and difficult to achieve, the necessary steps to turn them into factual reality simply arise as you move along your way in life. However, there are times when you are clear in the course upon you intend to take and still the reality of your exterior life appears to be reluctant to help you in manifesting your decisions of change because sometimes intuition can be ahead of horizontal time. In such times it is needful that you keep on trusting in your initial intuitive incentive and bide your time. Simply wait, try using your time productively in the meantime by looking upon it as a kind of holiday and do not let yourself be shaken in face of all the apparent difficulties barring your way.
Intuitive impulses which are leading you to take clear decisions and actions usually arise spontaneously and promote personal changes, growth and development. And unless you are in the habit of doubting your intuitive impulses, they are simple and clear in their objectives. If you are in the habit of following them trustingly you move through life's situations at an enormous speed and with a lightness of step. Whereas if you are prone to doubt in your intuitive ideas for certain actions, you are spending a lot of your time dithering between options, constantly changing your intended course of action and generally spend a lot of time thinking over possible ways to act.The Ego being inherently suspicious of any intended changes, which are not its own thoroughly thought-over ideas, is apt to question/doubt your intuitive incentives and to put up a front against them if their possible results are found to be too threateningly unpredictable in its estimation. And doubting thoughts bring controversial emotions in their wake and thus obscure your once clear-cut intuitive perceptions and ideas.
Intuitive impulses which are leading you to take clear decisions and actions usually arise spontaneously and promote personal changes, growth and development. And unless you are in the habit of doubting your intuitive impulses, they are simple and clear in their objectives. If you are in the habit of following them trustingly you move through life's situations at an enormous speed and with a lightness of step. Whereas if you are prone to doubt in your intuitive ideas for certain actions, you are spending a lot of your time dithering between options, constantly changing your intended course of action and generally spend a lot of time thinking over possible ways to act.The Ego being inherently suspicious of any intended changes, which are not its own thoroughly thought-over ideas, is apt to question/doubt your intuitive incentives and to put up a front against them if their possible results are found to be too threateningly unpredictable in its estimation. And doubting thoughts bring controversial emotions in their wake and thus obscure your once clear-cut intuitive perceptions and ideas.
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