To be successful is, just like all other personal experiences in life, a wholly subjective evaluation. Because what one is seeing as success, another one is seeing as a defeat. Generally, someone is judged successful if he masters a challenge and reaps worldly recognition for it. Your own Ego, too, can judge it-self successful without requiring direct worldly recognition thereto. However in this, it is dependent upon reference values which in themselves are conditioned by the outside world. This kind of outward, personal success is usually only of short duration and is bringing its shadow along with it as soon as the situation in question has passed away and the memories thereof are losing their poignancy. Moreover, this kind of success generally creates unhappiness for others.
Whereas true success is not a mere experience but a continual state of being. It is born out of joy over your current occupation, creates a sensation of inner harmony and obtains a similar resonance from the exterior world. Just like a shining flame of candle, which is standing in front of a mirror that is reflecting its enlightening light. Therefore, to be truly successful is to joyously master your life and to thus bring joy to your personal environment, too.
Whereas true success is not a mere experience but a continual state of being. It is born out of joy over your current occupation, creates a sensation of inner harmony and obtains a similar resonance from the exterior world. Just like a shining flame of candle, which is standing in front of a mirror that is reflecting its enlightening light. Therefore, to be truly successful is to joyously master your life and to thus bring joy to your personal environment, too.
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