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To question life is one of the Ego-minds essential functions. It has a positive and a negative way of functioning. Asking one-self questions and queering life and love are necessary to secure personal growth and expansion of consciousness, is to use it constructively. Whereas to doubt yourself, love and life is its destructive use and occurs in individuals who are hampered by fear. Although, of course, to a certain degree everyone, who has not yet reached an enlightened state, is afflicted by fear and thus in the danger of falling prey to moments of doubting. However in healthy individuals the will to survive and to reach the Light in the end always override their dark doubting side. The moment you stop being curious to learn still more about yourself, love and life, you start growing dead.
Have you ever observed how little children, who are in the process of learning to use the questioning function of their Ego-mind, lightly and joyously ask any question that crosses their m
To question life is one of the Ego-minds essential functions. However, like any other part of life in duality it has a positive and a negative way of functioning. Asking your-self questions and queering life and love are necessary to secure personal growth and expansion of consciousness, is to use it constructively. Whereas to doubt yourself, love and life is its destructive use and occurs in individuals who are hampered by strong personal fears. Of course, to a certain degree everyone, who has not yet reached an enlightened state, is afflicted by fear and thus in the danger of falling prey to moments of doubting. However in healthy individuals the will to survive and to reach the Light in the end always override their dark doubting side, while those in the grip of severe fear are spending most of their time on the dark side of their personal reality. But there is also another way of loosing your zest for life, which originates in fear, too, but one which is much less tangible. Namely prejudices, preconceived ideas etc. because they are also preventing you from questioning the moments of life that are happening to you.
Have you ever observed, how little children, who are still in the process of learning to use the questioning function of their Ego-mind and have not yet learned to react to the subtle, fear-inducing propaganda pervading modern society, lightly and joyously ask any question that crosses their mind? The more loving and the less critically minded their immediate environment is, the longer this innocent quality remains theirs. But most of them are losing the whole positive use of their Ego-mind once they have started school because there, they are being taught that some questions are "stupid". And, of course, no-one wants to be thought of as dumb... Moreover, by the time they are able to read they will most probably have begun to catch news head-lines etc.
The Ego's habit to be curious and to be always eager to learn still more about itself, love and life is, what keeps you growing and expanding your inherent potential.The moment you stop this habit, life looses its flavour.
So try to be aware of the nature of your thoughts and to intervene whenever you are coming across hindering ones standing in your way of expansion of consciousness.


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