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Showing posts from July, 2013


God is the greatest paradox - for He is and yet He is not. He is no-where exclusively and still He is everywhere! Therefore everything Divine in nature shares in this paradox. And so it is with love. Love arises unconditionally and requires no particular reason in order to be. However where there is love, there is also reason because love is the law and the highest order. If, on the other hand, your love appears to be creating chaos and leading you on to disrespect the law of decency and charity or to act against plain common sense, it is fear that is hiding itself as a fancy, an infatuation of the senses, feelings and/or mind.


All adjectives have a personal, subjective connotation and are generally being used judgementally. Moreover, their individual usage is throwing a reaveling light upon your personal attitude towards life in general - a fact which few people are aware of. While you are still living life unconsciously caught in your Egos perspective, of course, your application of adjectives is limited and conditioned by your personal reality and thus measured by purely subjective and "general" values. Because by existing wholly identified with your Ego, you are unaware of the fact that reality is a purely subjective experience and therefore cannot be measured and evaluated by your own and "general" standard values alone. Notwithstanding, adjectives are a valuable part of the language - probably exactly because they are leaving so much room open for personal speculation and imagination. However, especially in interpersonal relation-ships it is conducive to a common understanding if ...


To be successful is, just like all other personal experiences in life, a wholly subjective evaluation. Because what one is seeing as success, another one is seeing as a defeat. Generally, someone is judged successful if he masters a challenge and reaps worldly recognition for it. Your own Ego, too, can judge it-self successful without requiring direct worldly recognition thereto. However in this, it is dependent upon reference values which in themselves are conditioned by the outside world. This kind of outward, personal success is usually only of short duration and is bringing its shadow along with it as soon as the situation in question has passed away and the memories thereof are losing their poignancy. Moreover, this kind of success generally creates unhappiness for others. Whereas true success is not a mere experience but a continual state of being. It  is born out of joy over your current occupation, creates a sensation of inner harmony and obtains a similar resonance from t...


All life is consciousness and its degree of purity, i.e. spirituality and proximity to the Universal God-source is deciding over its inherent vibrational frequency. Upon a personal level this means, that the less you are attaching your-self to material things, emotions and ready-made thought structures and the more you focus upon self-less love and awareness, the higher the vibrational frequency of your personal consciousness. And the higher it is, the faster and easier you are moving through experiences within the boundaries of time and space. Also, the faster appears the passage of time in vertical reality to you because the speed of your consciousness defines your perception of time in space. Whereas personal experiences are often causing grave upheavals and reverberations in individuals with a low vibrational frequency, endowed with a high one, you are able to move lightly and freely through quickly changing experiences. Because as soon as you have made them, you are recognizing t...


It is admirable to know the wise sayings of others, but only your ability to live by their maxims with joyous ease day by day is a reflection of true greatness and wisdom.


I am and yet I am not, because the "I" which is saying "I am" is not that which is but a mere creation of that part of "me" which truly is. You are you and yet you are not, because the "you", which I am perceiving is actually a mirror-image of the "me" which is thinking of itself as "I". And so are we neither the "you" nor the "I", but both a creation of the One, which has differentiated into parts in order to consciously experience and know His self.


The inherent habit of the Ego-mind to think in clearly defined shapes and to perceive life in concrete forms alone, is endowing it with the valuable faculty of being able to differentiate between different shapes and forms. However, only once you have consciously recognized and resolved the fear in your Ego are you able to make observations concerning the differences in forms without simultaneously being judgemental about them and to see yourself either as inferior or superior in relation to the object of your attention. Someone living still identified with his Ego cannot perceive a difference between these two differing methods of approach because being caught in the fear-conditioned way of thinking all comparisons appear judging to him.


Words can be very powerful things because in their essence they are pure, undiluted force. The degree in which this force is being transmitted by a speaker/writer/thinker and felt by a reading/listening/thinking recipient solely depends upon how consciously and clearly the words in question are being formulated. But even if this be done in a highly unconscious state their force remains an undeniable and unavoidable fact, which creates an energetic reaction in some way. Whether this effect is of a positive or a negative kind depends upon the intent of purpose on part of the sender and whether it is registered as a positive or a negative influence depends upon the current personal state of the recipient. Words are existing upon the mental level and thus generally travel via the rational thinking mind. Close attention must be paid to their contents, if the desired effect is to be of a positive kind, because only a wholly positive formula can produce a positive reaction and a negation in ...


Freedom is a natural by-product of unconditional love and everyone's birthright. No-one can give or take freedom from you alone are holding the power to become free here and now - forever. The only thing you have to do to attain personal freedom, is to let go of your fears, which are barring your way like a relentless, blood-thirsty hunting dog.


To question life is one of the Ego-minds essential functions. It has a positive and a negative way of functioning. Asking one-self questions and queering life and love are necessary to secure personal growth and expansion of consciousness, is to use it constructively. Whereas to doubt yourself, love and life is its destructive use and occurs in individuals who are hampered by fear. Although, of course, to a certain degree everyone, who has not yet reached an enlightened state, is afflicted by fear and thus in the danger of falling prey to moments of doubting. However in healthy individuals the will to survive and to reach the Light in the end always override their dark doubting side. The moment you stop being curious to learn still more about yourself, love and life, you start growing dead. Have you ever observed how little children, who are in the process of learning to use the questioning function of their Ego-mind, lightly and joyously ask any question that crosses their m To qu...


The reality of the physical plane and of personal life is created by thoughts which are being enlivened by emotions. Hence only clear motives produce clear results. And clear decisions are mostly products of the intuition because the Ego-mind riddled by instinctive fear of change is commonly unable to be clear on anything, save when it is trusting the voice of intuition and follows its instructions. Generally, the clearer you are in your decisions concerning changes in your personal life, the quicker and more easily they are coming into being. Even though at times from a rational view-point the aims of your intuitive decisions might appear far fetched and difficult to achieve, the necessary steps to turn them into factual reality simply arise as you move along your way in life. However, there are times when you are clear in the course upon you intend to take and still the reality of your exterior life appears to be reluctant to help you in manifesting your decisions of change becaus...


In the chamber of the heart are reigning freedom, lightness of being and joy. There is a shining light, which is similar to that of the sun, but requires no physical eyes to be perceived. And still, it is lightening up the eyes of its beholder. The chamber of the heart is filled with pure love, which needs no senses to be witnessed. However it touches and brings fulfilment to the senses. In the heart there is peaceful silence and the words, which are speaking to you therefrom are of a crystalline clarity and are leaving you free, although they are passing through your mind like your personal thoughts do.


Personal enlightenment renders you consciously aware of the greater "you" existing behind the you of the Ego-mind. It is making you realize, that you are neither your thoughts, nor emotions nor your body, but the one experiencing these different levels of awareness. It lightens up your mind and changes its mode of functioning by bringing in a second stream of consciousness, one which is not identified with the thinking "I". However, while this new state of consciousness is still new to you quite probably a little effort is required on your part to maintain it. Consciousness forever exists in the here-now making each moment of life is new , so t o uphold your state of personal conscious awareness requires your continuous attention from each moment to the next. Until you have taught your mind to habitually stay attuned to your higher level of consciousness, the one of the unattached observer, instead of habitually switching back to the the "I"-identific...


Conscious awareness of something beautiful which exists unconnected to the desire of possessor-ship is rendering the beholder happy. So one of the innumerable ways of attaining to a personal state of unconditional happiness and bliss is to teach your-self to see the Divine beauty lying dormant within all living things and in each moment of life.