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In a way one could say that the reason we are incarnating time and time again as human beings in Earth, is to learn to say "yes".  Saying "yes" without any "buts" and ifs"- to what and who we are, to our life and everything it contains- people and circumstances included. Ascenting to every single moment of our existance, in sickness and in health, in poverty and riches. A wholehearted "yes" from the bottom of our hearts and souls, expressed in every thought, action and word. Achieving this, all seeming obstacles and problems will be removed because the flow of our life would thus be allowed to run smoothly in accordance with God's will for us. If every single one of us lived in complete and positive acceptance there would be peace, harmony and an all encompassing atmosphere of love and lightness of being. Once we stop harbouring evil within ourselves in any form- be this consciously or subconsciouly- all evil will dissappear in the world around us, too. Of course, complete world-peace and harmony can only happen if EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US achieves this continuous state of humble acceptance and loving surrender to God's will. One might argue that as long as there still exists so much evil in the world and in other people there is not point in personally striving for it. Because it is surely not an always easy task- especially as long as society on the whole still functions in the old way. But with every single individual joining this movement of personal enlightenment, with every second lived in accordance with it, the positive force increases steadily and once the balance between the negative and positive, darkness and light, is reached everything will very quickly become light. Light being always stronger than darkness and love conquering all.


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