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Divine perfection can be found anywhere in Nature and in all of God's creatures. All life is magical and miraculous. Little children are still aware of this fact and spend most of their time in joyous rapture and amazement over the world around them. Growing up the general tendency in us is to forget and overlook the true nature and reality of the world around us. Instead we become more and more endorsed in the imagined one created by our own minds and subconscious and the ones pre-set by society and forebears. Like overlaying a beautiful and unique picture with an artificially made-up foundation of false ideas, preconceptions and subconscious reactions that hide, dissemble or distort the true image behind.
So, if you want to start seeing the magic and natural beauty of God's Creation and your life again, you have to re-become like a little child. Teach yourself to look at things anew, as if you were seeing them for the first time, not with your mind but with the heart. Learn to take nothing for granted, go about your daily routine in awareness of your body, its movements and breathing. Watch the thoughts accompaning your actions/re-actions and your words when interacting with other people but also when you find yourself alone. Not only words, thoughts too, are energy, so choose them with care. Let them be as pure and true as you are able to make them. Taste the food and drink you partake of with all your senses. Feel the objects you are touching, your skin beneath the clothes and your feet in your shoes and on the ground. Get a sense from the inside of your body- rather than constanty checking and worrying about its outward appearence and what others may think of it. These seemingly small acts are all a way to ground your consciuosness within yourself and in the here/now and the true nature of Life. They also have a relaxing effect on the mind and your whole being. However, should you still catch yourself stressed/discouraged/lonely or lost in any other negative emotion/feeling- stop for a moment, feel your breath coming and going and immerse yourself in the contemplation of an object of nature (leaf, flower, tree, landscape, apple, insect... anything at hand). Realise its variety of coulour, texture, pattern(...) This should quickly clear your mind and emotions and leave your whole being free to wonder and marvel at the intricacies of your chosen object of observation.


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