I can think of nothing more beautiful than watching angels. It is not only their radiance which touches me but also the sensation I get inside my heart and my whole being, which cannot really be described it words. The closest I seem to get is by comparing it to the feeling as if your heart is a rose blossom that unfurles it-self by the touch of golden sunshine.
I have always seen Angels and other Beings of Light as pure, formations of light, usually in geometric shapes. Though not rigid ones, but instead constantly moving whithin their own forms before my eyes like a beautiful kaleidoskope and sometimes also in iridescently flashing colours and with sparks of light emanating from them. Their shapes and sizes varying in size from single sparks to huge formations in the sky. Also their movements differing, not only depending on where I am seeing them but also what people find them-selves in the vicinity.I never felt the need to identify them any further. To me it used to be enough to know they were always there for me whenever I would reach out to them from my heart and soul by means of my thoughts. However, since I have woken up to their realms and since I have started recognizing them as part of my perception and itellectual concept of reality, I have learnt to differentiate between different contacts by close obervance of the differences in my perception of them. Also by learning from what my teachers and collegues told me from their own experience and of course from reading books specializing in theories about these different Spiritual Spheres and entities. That is to say, I sharpened and trained my awareness of them by letting myself be inspired by what I read and was told and to compare them to my own, in order to help me to differenciate them more accurately and draw my own conclusions thereof.
My first childhood memories are of perceiving these shapes of Light. I remember myself always watching them entranced. I also remember that seeing them gave me a feeling of security and being protected in some unfathomable way and they also gave me a soft, almost imperceptible sensation on my skin. A bit like a down-feather stroking across it. Judging from the often open-eyed faraway look in my eyes people used to assume I was day-dreaming -but I was actually just watching these apparitions of Light. But because I started having these visions even before I knew any words or anything about the set human ideas of how Beings of Light aparently look like I never called them anything- to me, they were simply part of my usual perception of the world around me. I only knew that in an invisible and inexplicable way I did seem to see/hear/sense/know more than most people around me.
The enviroment I grew up in, however, did not acknowledge the Spiritual/Angelic realms and the realities of the Spirit Worlds and so I did not do so either. Instead I learnt to live like the "normal" people around me, thinking I was like them and wanting to be so, too. But secretly I always felt that in a sense I did not really belong. Looking back, I can now see that to someone knowing about these invisible realities it would have been blatantly obvious that I was a mediumistic child and a Sensitive judging from my way of behaviour and habits.
Growing older, I started spending more and more time on my own and "walking the paths of life" in general on my own- that is to the common human way of perception anyway. From an early age, I would be prefectly happy spending days on end alone and going places on my own. Never feeling myself to be lonely- or alone for that matter, either. although at that time I did not know about the Spirit Worlds and ceraintly did not believe in Angels and Faeries. A feeling of loneliness would only occasionally creep up if I started comparing myself to other people of the same age around me.
I have always seen Angels and other Beings of Light as pure, formations of light, usually in geometric shapes. Though not rigid ones, but instead constantly moving whithin their own forms before my eyes like a beautiful kaleidoskope and sometimes also in iridescently flashing colours and with sparks of light emanating from them. Their shapes and sizes varying in size from single sparks to huge formations in the sky. Also their movements differing, not only depending on where I am seeing them but also what people find them-selves in the vicinity.I never felt the need to identify them any further. To me it used to be enough to know they were always there for me whenever I would reach out to them from my heart and soul by means of my thoughts. However, since I have woken up to their realms and since I have started recognizing them as part of my perception and itellectual concept of reality, I have learnt to differentiate between different contacts by close obervance of the differences in my perception of them. Also by learning from what my teachers and collegues told me from their own experience and of course from reading books specializing in theories about these different Spiritual Spheres and entities. That is to say, I sharpened and trained my awareness of them by letting myself be inspired by what I read and was told and to compare them to my own, in order to help me to differenciate them more accurately and draw my own conclusions thereof.
My first childhood memories are of perceiving these shapes of Light. I remember myself always watching them entranced. I also remember that seeing them gave me a feeling of security and being protected in some unfathomable way and they also gave me a soft, almost imperceptible sensation on my skin. A bit like a down-feather stroking across it. Judging from the often open-eyed faraway look in my eyes people used to assume I was day-dreaming -but I was actually just watching these apparitions of Light. But because I started having these visions even before I knew any words or anything about the set human ideas of how Beings of Light aparently look like I never called them anything- to me, they were simply part of my usual perception of the world around me. I only knew that in an invisible and inexplicable way I did seem to see/hear/sense/know more than most people around me.
The enviroment I grew up in, however, did not acknowledge the Spiritual/Angelic realms and the realities of the Spirit Worlds and so I did not do so either. Instead I learnt to live like the "normal" people around me, thinking I was like them and wanting to be so, too. But secretly I always felt that in a sense I did not really belong. Looking back, I can now see that to someone knowing about these invisible realities it would have been blatantly obvious that I was a mediumistic child and a Sensitive judging from my way of behaviour and habits.
Growing older, I started spending more and more time on my own and "walking the paths of life" in general on my own- that is to the common human way of perception anyway. From an early age, I would be prefectly happy spending days on end alone and going places on my own. Never feeling myself to be lonely- or alone for that matter, either. although at that time I did not know about the Spirit Worlds and ceraintly did not believe in Angels and Faeries. A feeling of loneliness would only occasionally creep up if I started comparing myself to other people of the same age around me.
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