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message 3

Good-day to you Beloved Friends,
We feel that you still have a lot to learn about the planet which is your home. In this task, please, let us be of assistance to you.
Not only is there a lot of important knowledge that has become lost over the centuries of evolution, but also there are new things to be learned and intergrated. Because just reviving the old Wisdom of Mother Earth is not enough, for not only you, but your planet and all of its Creatures, this includes the Animal, Feary and Elemental Kingdoms, have evoloved, too. Therefore a new integrated wisdom and knowledge of the Elements is needed in the New Age that is about to dawn upon Earth and all of its children. One that combines the old with the new.
Having said this, we will now turn our attention to the matter at hand.
We are going to teach you about the meaning and importance of stones first, for indeed, they represent the element Earth in the most obvious way. Every single stone possesses its own particular energy and meaning. And we are not talking of (semi-)prescious stones only, but indeed all kinds of stones. Even the seemingly most nondescript ones. This is not common knowledge and we expect it comes as a surprise to you even though you have surely felt and experienced their power on a subconscious level oftentimes. For exapmle when hiking in the hills/mountains, or upon resting on stone ledges and rocks, or even when visiting an old town/village with cobbled streets or a house with stone paved floors. One usualy puts down the special feeling/relaxation/fascination to the atmposphere, fresh air or the historical background of a place- and never stops considering the valuable influence of the stones whicht make up a large part of this poitive and restoring effect. Of course, the stones do not mind being overlooked, the loss is all yours by negleting to acknowledge their true value. So we would like to encourage you that from now on you pay conscious attention to them and teach yourself to be aware of their empowering presence. Like the semi-precious stones and precius stones each type has a set list of general attributes to it but it is not necessary to have any theoretical knowledge of it in order to work with their energy. The same applies to the aforementioned category of precoius stones by the way. Now, we are not saying to acquire theoretical knowledge is wrong- on the contrary, it can be very useful- especially when you are working as a counseller to others,- but unless you have absorbed theoretical knowlegde by personal experience rather than copying others and blindy following instructions, it is not worth much and will soon be lost to you because newly acquired theories will erase it from your memory and awareness. On the other hand, if you learn something by your own experience, close observation, applied effort and will, guided by the voice of your intuition whatever you learn will penetrate your higher senses and become part of you. So in a way learning without books is much easier because you cannot fall into the trap of thinking you know something without acctually knowing anything. The only true knowing is the one which has its roots in your heart and your being rather than in the brain. The same applies to wisdom, which is only true if it arises from within you because it has been made part of you trough contemplation and experience. The brain and mind are very valuable tools and aids, but only if used correctly otherwise they become a trap and hindrance to the Self. Besides, they are only transitory and when you die you are going to loose all that you have accumulated there. Sometimes you may even loose it before you die trough loss of memory of age or dementia. The qualities of the heart however and the things you have experienced with you whole being and soul will remain with you even after death.


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