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message 2

Beloved Human-Beings of Light.
We are aware that what we are about to say to you has already been communicated to you on our behalf only very recently. But as this topic is of urgency and must not be delayed or ignored any longer, we feel that repeating it in slightly different words will do no harm- on the contrary it might serve to make you realize its importance even stronger and lend you more confidence and faith on your way.

You are bearer of the Light of Christ Consciousness- and each one of you has the potential to manifest this Light upon the earthly plane and to enlighten the world you are living in. 
It is time for the Age of Enlightenment to become universal. Some of you have already realized this and are following this call, are trying to live by this truth in their daily lives step by step. But still there is a great fear of this Duvine Power in the generality of mankind. Because it will transform everything, its strentgh lies beyond human conception- as yet.
With recognition of this Divine Light within you also receive and must accept the responsibility to act upon it -without compromises towards the indwelling Ego mind by its side.
Follow the true calls of your hearts- for it is calling you! And above all, Beloved Ones, have Faith and Trust- not only in God but also in your-selves!
With Love and Blessings.


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