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message 4

Beloved Children of Light, 
You who reside in Earth have to experience darkness of a kind in order to learn to see its opposite. Experiencing darkness without teaches you to recognize the Light you are carrying within your heart and consciousness.
Planet Earth will, in all probability, have to be clad in complete darkness to cause the universal awakening which is so sorely needed at this moment. The population as an entity, and also each seperate individual, must learn to live within and from their inner Light of being, residing in the heart centre. Life in itself is a miracle, therefore miracles of any kind- no matter how improbable they might appear to the restricted human mind- are a possibility and can become a reality once the Divine Light residing within each human heart is being acknowledged and put in its proper place, namely above the reasoning of the indwelling ego-mind. By this act, Spirit and Matter become one and God's Love and Light are becoming manifest in the earthly plane. The human race has accumulated enough intellectual knowledge and theories on energy and also the old wisdom of Light and Love consciuosness has been revived in multiple forms. In addition, the technical means to make teachings available to everyone exist as well. (Evidently, the tribes living in remote places far away from civilasations will not be needing to be taught, as they have never lost their connection with the Divine force.) What is now asked for, are dedicated teachers to spread themselves all over the planet and to teach those methods of integrated wisdom and knowledge of heart-consciuosness to all human kind. These teachers must be true teachers in the sense that they must KNOW these teachings of Light-Love-Intelligence not solely with their minds but within their hearts and every atom of their being, by having experienced them-selves these truths!
If enough Light is being made manifest before this year has run its course gravest darkness can be prevented from happening. So, yes indeed, miracles must happen in order to save Earth and its Children experiencing even more severe lessons of darkness than they already have.


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