In reference to us as human-beings one could apply the axiom:
"As within -so without".
Therefore the world about you, your whole life and also the people around you are nothing but reflections of what you are. If you function on a mostly unconscious level and on the surmise you are what your Ego is making you believe, of course, you do not recognize yourself in what the exterior world is reflecting back to you. And not realizing the real truth behind it, you put the blame on others and the circumstances- instead of turning your attention within where the true reasons are to be found. By the same act you are simultaneously blocking off your natural flow of life-force. Acting upon false truths about yourself which are only illusory and figments of the Ego mind, your whole life can turn into a huge labyrinthian-like hurdle-race with enemies lurking behind every corner.
Once you start recognizing and accepting, however, that you are the only one to be held responsible for all of it, you turn from being a victim into the perpetrator instead and eventually you stop being either of them and simply become the creator of your own life. And once you cease to blame anyone, by and by a feeling of gratitude will arise within you for every situation and circumstance because you begin recognizing that not only is it you who holds the responsibility in the present moment but it is also you, yourself who has chosen to experience it in the first place- in order to get to know your True Self and by so doing, approach God, and become one with the Divine Light.
So the first step is to accept this responsibility and to learn and live according to this truth, meaning you have to intergrate it into your very being, meaning your consciousness, which in turn will change your way of thinking, feeling, acting and speaking. In this, perseverence and the sincere wish for change will be necessary because as the Ego mind, being afraid of this truth, will fight your pure intent all the way. By controlling your every thought, in other words by thinking consciuosly, you have the power to profoundly alter your way of thinking and by so doing, to transform all that you are- and your life and also have a positive influence upon the world, for the whole of creation is inter-connected by an invisible net of Divine light-energy. And because the sayings: "every action produces a reaction" and "light is more powerful than darkness" are profoundly truths as well, at the same time you will also hold the power to change the people about you, by simply being aware of your Inner Divine Light and arranging your whole life accordingly, it will radiate trough you and touch others.
"As within -so without".
Therefore the world about you, your whole life and also the people around you are nothing but reflections of what you are. If you function on a mostly unconscious level and on the surmise you are what your Ego is making you believe, of course, you do not recognize yourself in what the exterior world is reflecting back to you. And not realizing the real truth behind it, you put the blame on others and the circumstances- instead of turning your attention within where the true reasons are to be found. By the same act you are simultaneously blocking off your natural flow of life-force. Acting upon false truths about yourself which are only illusory and figments of the Ego mind, your whole life can turn into a huge labyrinthian-like hurdle-race with enemies lurking behind every corner.
Once you start recognizing and accepting, however, that you are the only one to be held responsible for all of it, you turn from being a victim into the perpetrator instead and eventually you stop being either of them and simply become the creator of your own life. And once you cease to blame anyone, by and by a feeling of gratitude will arise within you for every situation and circumstance because you begin recognizing that not only is it you who holds the responsibility in the present moment but it is also you, yourself who has chosen to experience it in the first place- in order to get to know your True Self and by so doing, approach God, and become one with the Divine Light.
So the first step is to accept this responsibility and to learn and live according to this truth, meaning you have to intergrate it into your very being, meaning your consciousness, which in turn will change your way of thinking, feeling, acting and speaking. In this, perseverence and the sincere wish for change will be necessary because as the Ego mind, being afraid of this truth, will fight your pure intent all the way. By controlling your every thought, in other words by thinking consciuosly, you have the power to profoundly alter your way of thinking and by so doing, to transform all that you are- and your life and also have a positive influence upon the world, for the whole of creation is inter-connected by an invisible net of Divine light-energy. And because the sayings: "every action produces a reaction" and "light is more powerful than darkness" are profoundly truths as well, at the same time you will also hold the power to change the people about you, by simply being aware of your Inner Divine Light and arranging your whole life accordingly, it will radiate trough you and touch others.
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