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Showing posts from May, 2011


Once you have dicovered the Divine Light within you heart and learnt to live therefrom and in this truth of Divine Unity there is no turning back. Even if you might hesitate at times in uncertainty of the unknown- and because most peolpe around you are still living accordingly to the old, unelightened way, which is mainly governed by the ego-mind- this will never be for long, the Light within you having become stronger than the darkness. However, living in the new way requires complete faith, love and devotion. Following and relying on the voice of your Angel of Intuition you can neither plan your exact steps nor know where your path and the decisions taken thereon will take you, in the way you used to do, because by living from one moment to the next the thinking-ahead process ceases to function in the old way. Having recognized and accepted the true destiny of your soul and the special gifts you were born with, enabling you to fullfill the set tasks and thus contribute to the positi...

message 4

Beloved Children of Light,  You who reside in Earth have to experience darkness of a kind in order to learn to see its opposite. Experiencing darkness without teaches you to recognize the Light you are carrying within your heart and consciousness. Planet Earth will, in all probability, have to be clad in complete darkness to cause the universal awakening which is so sorely needed at this moment. The population as an entity, and also each seperate individual, must learn to live within and from their inner Light of being, residing in the heart centre. Life in itself is a miracle, therefore miracles of any kind- no matter how improbable they might appear to the restricted human mind- are a possibility and can become a reality once the Divine Light residing within each human heart is being acknowledged and put in its proper place, namely above the reasoning of the indwelling ego-mind. By this act, Spirit and Matter become one and God's Love and Light are becoming manifest in the eart...


The most accurate words to choose in order to circumscribe LIFE are: eternal fluctuating change and movement.  These are the true nature of all life, holding against it, negating or ignoring it, causes unnatural hindrances, blockages and results in separation from the flow of life force which in turn causes suffering on some level of our existance. By willingly surrendering yourself to the flow of life and positively accepting it, you gain the position of active participant and simultaneaously receive the power to decide its course to a certain degree.  However, this act of surrender requires Faith and Trust in God and also the true believe that all life serves a higher purpose, even if we may not be able to see the big picture ouselves. The big picture being God's Creation every single part of it must be perfect because God Himself is perfect. Therefore, everything has a hidden meaning and no part of it is superfluous or wrong.


In merging with the Divine life force you stop breathing. Instead you are becoming at one with the air itself, at one with the breath that is flowing through your body in a slow, regular rhythm, leaving it finely vibrating, causing a harmonious - yet to the physical ear imperceptible - sound. The universal sound of life itself, which reverberates in every heart, in every part of God's Creation and and also in the depths of the Earth and Sea. This attuned breath that is now moving your body seems to be inter-penetrating every atom of your being. Its eternal passing through you is similar to the Sea on a calm day, where the wind stirs up soft harmonious ripples on the clear surface, whilst rendering it even more brilliantly shining beneath the rays of the sun. Breathing this way you will be no longer able to observe your breath because the subjective "you" has vanished, leaving in its place the glorious sensation of being at One with all there IS. At One with the vibration...


Like everything in this world of duality, also controll has two polar aspects to it. The positive one being in controll of yourself and keeping your thoughts, words, deeds and acts pure, loving and simple. The negative one in controlling/restricting others or any part of either yourself or nature.


Divine perfection can be found anywhere in Nature and in all of God's creatures. All life is magical and miraculous. Little children are still aware of this fact and spend most of their time in joyous rapture and amazement over the world around them. Growing up the general tendency in us is to forget and overlook the true nature and reality of the world around us. Instead we become more and more endorsed in the imagined one created by our own minds and subconscious and the ones pre-set by society and forebears. Like overlaying a beautiful and unique picture with an artificially made-up foundation of false ideas, preconceptions and subconscious reactions that hide, dissemble or distort the true image behind. So, if you want to start seeing the magic and natural beauty of God's Creation and your life again, you have to re-become like a little child. Teach yourself to look at things anew, as if you were seeing them for the first time, not with your mind but with the heart. Learn ...


In a way one could say that the reason we are incarnating time and time again as human beings in Earth, is to learn to say "yes".  Saying "yes" without any "buts" and ifs"- to what and who we are, to our life and everything it contains- people and circumstances included. Ascenting to every single moment of our existance, in sickness and in health, in poverty and riches. A wholehearted "yes" from the bottom of our hearts and souls, expressed in every thought, action and word. Achieving this, all seeming obstacles and problems will be removed because the flow of our life would thus be allowed to run smoothly in accordance with God's will for us. If every single one of us lived in complete and positive acceptance there would be peace, harmony and an all encompassing atmosphere of love and lightness of being. Once we stop harbouring evil within ourselves in any form- be this consciously or subconsciouly- all evil will dissappear in the world...


We are free if we will believe and fell our-selves to be so. This kind of freedom is different from what one usually associates with the word. Generally this word makes you think of travel, holidays, abundance of money and the like. But the one I am talking about here is the freedom of self-imposed restrictions, needs and thought concepts- be they of the conscious or subconsciuos category. It is an awareness of the freedom belonging to the spirit and heart, which lies beyond words. Achieving this freedom within your consciuosness will leave you free to be fully present and aware in the here/now, free from needing, wanting or wishing for anything. Contentment and bliss becoming your natural states of BEing.


True Love lies beyond duality. It stems from the heart, is Divine in nature and has its source in God. Therefore it is free of conditions, ever flowing in abundance, selfless, always giving and forgiving and never demanding. It cannot be neither disappointed, nor hurt, nor lost, nor can it ever die. It attaches itself to no-one and no-thing in particular but flows freely towards all and everything. It never demands to be reciprocated for it receives and is being fed in abundance from the highest source which is limitless and omnipresent. True Love is priceless and thus can neither be bought nor sold. It arises from and is felt in the spiritual heart-centre and exists independently and is free from attachments of the mind and sensory preferences- for it is a state of BEING. Therefore a true lover loves you with his heart and is thus able to recognizes your True Self, the invisible part of yourself which lies hidden to the eyes and the mind.

message 3

Good-day to you Beloved Friends, We feel that you still have a lot to learn about the planet which is your home. In this task, please, let us be of assistance to you. Not only is there a lot of important knowledge that has become lost over the centuries of evolution, but also there are new things to be learned and intergrated. Because just reviving the old Wisdom of Mother Earth is not enough, for not only you, but your planet and all of its Creatures, this includes the Animal, Feary and Elemental Kingdoms, have evoloved, too. Therefore a new integrated wisdom and knowledge of the Elements is needed in the New Age that is about to dawn upon Earth and all of its children. One that combines the old with the new. Having said this, we will now turn our attention to the matter at hand. We are going to teach you about the meaning and importance of stones first, for indeed, they represent the element Earth in the most obvious way. Every single stone possesses its own particular energy and...

message 2

Beloved Human-Beings of Light. We are aware that what we are about to say to you has already been communicated to you on our behalf only very recently. But as this topic is of urgency and must not be delayed or ignored any longer, we feel that repeating it in slightly different words will do no harm- on the contrary it might serve to make you realize its importance even stronger and lend you more confidence and faith on your way. You are bearer of the Light of Christ Consciousness- and each one of you has the potential to manifest this Light upon the earthly plane and to enlighten the world you are living in.  It is time for the Age of Enlightenment to become universal. Some of you have already realized this and are following this call, are trying to live by this truth in their daily lives step by step. But still there is a great fear of this Duvine Power in the generality of mankind. Because it will transform everything, its strentgh lies beyond human conception- as yet. Wit...

message 1

Beloved Angelic Beings of Mother Earth, We are delighted to be here with you today!   It is of the utmost importance that we are speaking to you because in order to change the direction the situation on your planet is heading ever more rapildly, you must all change. Mother Earth needs your healing consciousness. We cannot do the work for you, but we can be there to guide and encourage you on your way. You are the only one able to influence your planet directly because you incorporate the connecting link between Earth and Sky, Matter and Spirit. Animal and Divine. Therefore, Beloved Ones, you must learn to become aware of the Divine Light within your own hearts, the place where the two spheres meet, and let this Consciousness penetrate into your Ego minds. This Divine Light Consciousness is immensely powerful and can work wonders that lay way beyond your scope of imagination. What you need, is to learn to trust this fact- against your disblieve, because your doubts diminish i...


Once you are able to go beyond the limitations of the concept of time within your consciuosness, and  by so doing come to realize time is actually only an illusion rooted in the human mind, you will begin to see yourself and your life in a completely new context and from a much larger perspective. For example, putting things off, postponing them to a date in the future is a very common occurence in most peoples way of behaviour. If you are truly awake, however, you will see that the real reason behind this is either because in some way you are afraid of the experience and the effect it might have or because you truly feel yourself not ready for it- yet. Next time you catch yourself projecting an action into the "future" or putting it off for later, try being honest with yourself and ask yourself: "WHY I am doing this?" If you find it is for reason of fear, accept it and treat yourself with love and compassion- instead of making yourself believe your descision to po...


In reference to us as human-beings one could apply the axiom: "As within -so without". Therefore the world about you, your whole life and also the people around you are nothing but reflections of what you are. If you function on a mostly unconscious level and on the surmise you are what your Ego is making you believe, of course, you do not recognize yourself in what the exterior world is reflecting back to you. And not realizing the real truth behind it, you put the blame on others and the circumstances- instead of turning your attention within where the true reasons are to be found. By the same act you are simultaneously blocking off your natural flow of life-force. Acting upon false truths about yourself which are only illusory and figments of the Ego mind, your whole life can turn into a huge labyrinthian-like hurdle-race with enemies lurking behind every corner. Once you start recognizing and accepting, however, that you are the only one to be held responsible for all ...


I can think of nothing more beautiful than watching angels. It is not only their radiance which touches me but also the sensation I get inside my heart and my whole being, which cannot really be described it words. The closest I seem to get is by comparing it to the feeling as if your heart is a rose blossom that unfurles it-self by the touch of golden sunshine. I have always seen Angels and other Beings of Light as pure,  formations of light, usually in geometric shapes. Though not rigid ones, but instead constantly moving whithin their own forms before my eyes like a beautiful kaleidoskope and sometimes also in iridescently flashing colours and with sparks of light emanating from them. Their shapes and sizes varying in size from single sparks to huge formations in the sky. Also their movements differing, not only depending on where I am seeing them but also what people find them-selves in the vicinity.I never felt the need to identify them any further. To me it used to be enough...