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Awareness is the essence of life and its inherent light. Consumption of alcohol reduces your potential for awareness and dulls your inner light. Although the alcohol may make the world and your self may seem temporarily brighter to you. However, to the world you appear reduced and dulled. And to clairvoyant sight the harmony of your Auric field is impaired. Needless to say, that smoking, too, shows negatively in your Auric field.
Give up drinking alcohol and after a while your perception of yourself and life will gain a new depth, a new dimension will be added to your scope of feelings, your mind is gaining in clarity and your physical body will feel more acutely alive.
Alcohol has am overall benumbing effect. If you need proof of this call to mind, that it is being used as a anesthetic, disinfectant and to conserve things.
Cease to consume any food that has been grown and treated against the natural laws of Mother Nature and at the cost of Her well-being and after a while you will become suffused by a new sensation of love, peace and vivacity. The same positive reaction occurs in the atoms of your being, if you no longer use chemical, artificial products for cosmetic purposes and in your household.
We are part of the Earth and Nature and if we are going against theirer laws, we are simultaneously harming ourselves and are diminishing our health and power.


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