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True love is Divine in nature therefore it is much greater than anything we as human beings can ever do or say. You can only partake of it by opening your heart and passing its power on by allowing your inner light to shine forth through your very being here-now.
True love is unconditional. Therefore, being embraced or told that you are loved is not necessarily the same is as receiving true love. It is conditioned by the necessity that there be the presence of another person for it.
Still, it is commonly believed that if there is someone embracing your and speaking to you about their love for you, you are actually being loved. And although you may be able to touch and hold your beloved one(s), love itself you can neither touch nor hold. Love is invisible, it is untouchable, it is that, which is existing within you. You can only truly experience it from deep within your heart. Love may motivate you to act and speak lovingly to others but these outward shows of affection are not the love itself. Therefore if you truly want to find love and give love to others you have look for it beyond that, which appears to be love in the world. You have to search for it inside. Inside your own self and inside the hearts of those who profess to love you. If love is there, it is there no matter what may be outside. It is like a candle burning in a space which may lie hidden at times but which is there all the same.


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