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If you are truly sincere in your desire to become conscious and to remain in this state of illumined mind, you must give up drinking alcohol and any other mind-altering substances.
For the obvious reason that alcohol and the kind has a benumbing effect on your senses and your mind. It temporarily alters your perception of your self and it confuses your distinction between your conscious and unconscious personal aspects. And in order to enlighten your personal unconsciousness you need to be able to access it in a state of clear awareness, to remain consciously aware if your Self at all times.
Also you have to stop eating meat. Even if the animals you are eating have been nicely treated and well-kept. They have been killed and any living being that is being killed knows it is advance and produces toxins. So you are eating toxic flesh. Plus flesh is unconscious matter, animals are instinctive beings, still, they are our relatives in a sense. To illumine your mind you have to move in the opposite direction, away from instinctive living and killing others to secure your own survival.
However, to stop consuming alcohol and meat solely out of conviction that is is bad for you is not enough - although its makes a good start. You have to follow this path of purification because you are wholeheartedly devoted to your quest after the Light. Otherwise you are bound to fall back into your former habits at some stage.


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