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You are like a lake. Your mind is its surface and your feelings the quality of its water
A still surface reflects the light from the sun(Divine Love and Light) shining from above perfectly and the reflected light is powerful, illuminating. When the surface is undisturbed the waters are clear and the sandy ground is clearly distinguishable.
Whereas choppy waves and irregular movements of the surface fracture the rays of light and throw them in a flash-like manner at random in all directions but unreliably and without continuity. The light thus confuses rather that illumines. Needless to say, that in such waters the sand on the bottom is rendering the water muddy and the ground beneath can only be guessed at. 
Clarity, transparency of mind and emotion is possibly the most important and precious personal attribute we can inwardly acquire and cultivate for ourselves.
There are many factors that can stir up the waters or cause disruption on the surface. Internally, it is personal fears that can also turn up disguised in the form of doubts/ lack of faith or trust/anger/frustration/disappointment in yourself, other people, God or life in general. If you wish to avoid - and in the first place learn to recognize and enlighten - your inherent fear, you have to practise self-awareness and positive self-questioning continually.
Externally, it is also fear that is disturbing your personal "lake". We cannot help receiving information via our inherent link with the human collective (un)conscious all the time. And because there is still so much unresolved fear existing in the generality of  mankind, it is not always easy to keep yourself apart and aloof from it. All the more important it is that you are being selective concerning your intake of external information which you are able to control. There is only very simple rule to it: avoid consuming anything that is related to fear. Because fear creates unconscious, irregular movements within your self that are destroying your inner peace and clarity and even render them impossible. If you wish to achieve and keep your clarity of mind, watch our, what you are reading, watching and listening to. Words are influencing the mind directly. Chose sustaining literature and images to look at. Music is working directly on the level of emotions. If you wish to feel positive, chose harmonious, uplifting, flowing melodies. And be extra careful in the choice of their wording - if they are being accompanied by a voice. Devotional, praising music produces the "purest waters". And in your daily life try to avoid personal involvement in situations, where political power-games are at play. Be this at your workplace, at home in your family, your community, circle of friends...
Only when you are clear and unfettered by fear within yourself are you in a position to experience true love, ongoing happiness and all-encompassing gratitude for the gift of life.


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