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3, 4 OR 7?

The Ego is a threefold reality – it consists of the physical body, emotions and the lower mind. It is constantly seeking things it can identify itself with. The things it finds to this purpose appear the more intriguing to its perception the more aspects of its own identity it can find therein. This is why films/TV are so popular with most people. This medium is playing both on the mind and the emotions. And even more captivating are the 3D-films, they seem even more real to the Ego’s perception because the physical instincts are being directly triggered as well. And the same can be said of modern computer games. However, these kinds of distractions are highly dangerous to the real self because you are falling under the dominion of those creating these films and games. And have you ever noticed that their contents are hardly ever of a positive kind and usually contain fear-inducing factors? And have you ever wondered why this might be so?? Every time the fear inherent in your Ego is being activated, it is growing and becoming stronger. And the deeper your fear the better you can be manipulated...

Someone with enlightened Ego on the other hand has become a four-dimensional being because the spiritual aspect of the self has been discovered and is being consciously lived as well. Henceforth his consciousness rests within his fourth dimension of self and knowing his three lower dimensions to be easily influenced and subject to external influences, he is careful to allow only positive stimuli to touch it.
 And depending upon your degree of consciousness the 4th dimension opens up your perception to a further three dimensions of yourself. Once this occurs you are becoming mainly focussed upon the trinity above your fourth dimension and things which are touching the Ego-dimensions of yourself have lost all power to call forth a reaction in you.


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