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Reality as such cannot be ultimately defined because it is forever changing and also dependent upon individual perception of life. This perception depends upon one's degree of consciousness. Furthermore can reality be subdivided into an objective and a subjective kind. Within the bounds of this Universe God alone is in a position to perceive the whole of the objective reality, whose essence is of all-pervading love-consciousness. While the perception of each individual part in manifestation is either being wholly taken up by the belief in its subjective reality and thus limited in its awareness of the greater reality - if not even completely blind to it. Or, if the individual part of the Universe has caught a glimpse of the Divine reality and thus its view of reality encompasses besides its own, part of the objective one.

So upon the personal level, reality is defined by the scope of individual awareness. It is the sum total of the experienced consciousness. Therefore what you are seeing as reality is a reflection of your state of consciousness. However unless you have freed your consciousness from its identification with your lower self and its appertaining Ego, your reality will be largely or even completely over-shadowed by its inherent fears and set beliefs.
Because the less your conscious awareness of life is taken up by personal thoughts/emotions/sensations, the more fully you are able to understand the omnipresent Divine reality of Love and Light. In moments, in which you are living with your consciousness resting in the here-now, your individual awareness is attuned to the objective reality of God, making the limiting boundaries of your subjective reality temporarily disappear. This attunement beween your individual awareness of of life and the Divine reality can also be brought about intentionally by focussing your personal awareness upon the bright side of life instead of concentration upon its shadows. And unconsciously this fusion of reality-levely is occurring in moments, in which unconditional joy and love are being experienced.


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