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I believe that everyone is openly or covertly, consciously or subconsciously looking for the love of their life. However only few are able to "find" it and many of those who have "found" it experience disillusionment at some stage because for some reason or other this "love" breaks/gets lost/ends etc. Only those are able to keep hold of the love of their life, who have used it as a means to awaken to the fount of love existing within their own selves and in life itself.
The love of your life is existing within your own self and the place to find it is your spiritual heart centre. Once you have discovered it there you will henceforth be living in the reality of love and thus be able to recognize the love of life within the whole of your daily existence. And possibly you might meet this love in form of another person into the bargain. But now you are in a position to live this love- relation-ship freely because your feeling of love is flowing from your heart and is living inside of you. Instead of whereas before you would have wanted to cling onto your partner in fear of "losing" your love in some way because you are believing to be dependent upon an external source.
So should you be feeling alone and be longing to find the love of your life, turn around upon your own self and look into your heart to find the source of endless love existing therein filling you relentlessly with new life.
Your outward reality is determined and conditioned by your inner awareness. Thus it is, that whatever you might be wishing to meet with in your life, you have to first create/find it within your own being and secondly cultivate it within yourself via conscious awareness.


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