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Showing posts from May, 2013


Reality as such cannot be ultimately defined because it is forever changing and also dependent upon individual perception of life. This perception depends upon one's degree of consciousness. Furthermore can reality be subdivided into an objective and a subjective kind. Within the bounds of this Universe God alone is in a position to perceive the whole of the objective reality, whose essence is of all-pervading love-consciousness. While the perception of each individual part in manifestation is either being wholly taken up by the belief in its subjective reality and thus limited in its awareness of the greater reality - if not even completely blind to it. Or, if the individual part of the Universe has caught a glimpse of the Divine reality and thus its view of reality encompasses besides its own, part of the objective one. So upon the personal level, reality is defined by the scope of individual awareness. It is the sum total of the experienced consciousness...


It is interesting to take note of the fact that the Ego-mind should be described as a rational thinking authority, when most of the time its is incapable to think rationally due to being under the influence of instinctive fears, feelings and emotions. Therefore true rational thinking only becomes possible once you have gained a fair understanding of your subconscious reactions and once you have achieved conscious control over your instinctive emotions and feelings. Whereby you will have freed your faculty of thought from their influence. In view of this one might wonder if not the intuitive knowing of the heart should rather be called rational instead because the intuition is unfettered by fear and personal instincts and thus naturally capable to clearly evaluate a situation.


Art is a creative expression of inspiration, one, which is rendering the inherent beauty and joy of life tangible. Those, who know how to creatively express their inspiration, are being called artists by the world. And those, who are experiencing inspiration in every moment of life and know how to express it directly in simple joy of living, are masters of the art of living. So theoretically everyone is an artist because via the heart we are all connected to the Universal Source, which is endlessly creative and continuously bringing new life into being. The key to being a master of the art of living lies is in learning to trust both your own expression and the inner source of creative inspiration.


Although the Universe is based upon definite laws and simple numerical values, its structure is interminably complex. The sphere of physical manifestations is the ultimate end-product of the entire process of creation. Hence on earth is every occurrence, every phenomenon, simply every single instance of life of a multi-dimensional reality. Therefore any answers you might find for yourself or learn from others or read about in books concerning the explanation of particular parts of life are never the final and the only possible answers thereto. One single option for a correct and final answer/explanation to a given question only exists in the world of the Ego-mind concerning theories, timetables and the like and in algebraic/mathematical/grammatical matters. But in cases concerning real life the answer one might find depends upon the angle and the level from which one is viewing the aspect in question. Hence, reducing your focus exclusively to one level in your search for a possible e...


The elements in Mother Nature are a more condensed version of the same elements human-beings are made of. To some extent the weather and the conditions the planet earth is in are reflecting the state of the human collective. However they also possess a life-dynamism of their own and they are thus able to influence the total balance of the physical world from their side. Water stands symbolically for love and also for healing. Therefore rain can be equalled to a healing influence with the power to promote harmony. Mother Nature is naturally attuned to the Unity of Creation and thus visibly profits from the falling rain. She blossoms, greens and grows thanks to the falling waters of heaven. Animals do not mind the rain and birds even rejoice and break out in song at its coming! Many people, living in a modern society and far removed from the natural rythms of Mother Nature, are dreading rainy weather and are seeing it as an enemy to their happiness and health. They hold the belief, t...

HEALTH, part I

Natural health is a question of attitude and inner harmony. Although physicians and scientists might be making you believe, that your health is something they can give to you and also maintain for you. Superficially this might appear to be the truth because thanks to the invention of allopathic medicine and to scientific progress they do indeed seem to be in a position to "hand out" health at their will. But this kind of health does not last and has eventually to be paid for by you, in the sense that you have to rebalance it physically and/or emotionally if not in some cases even spiritually. Health is created inwardly by right thinking, feeling and acting. Of course, the more conscious/self-aware you are, the better you are able to influence your personal state of health. You have to take full responsibility for your well-being and completely abandon your idea of being a victim of your outward circumstances in any way whatsoever and also to stop making excuses for your infl...


Whereas estimates of averages can be calculated of any given category of the created Universe, there is no such thing as "normalcy" because very single living part of the Universe is unique in itself. So everyone and everything is as "normal" or "abnormal", as the person, thing or happening next to it. So called "normality" is an invention of the human Ego-mind. Of course, some of the invented and institutionalized common norms regarding clothes, shoe sizes etc. can be very useful but upon a personal level and regarding other aspects of life, which are alive, clinging rigorously to the idea of "normality" is proving hindering, crippling, if not downright killing to the actual living facts. The invention of "normalcy" renders some smug, because they are seeing themselves as the epitomes of "normality", while others are being made unhappy by it, because either others are telling them, that they do not belong or ...


Any chaos will be transformed into structured order, just like any darkness will dissipate, if unprejudiced consciousness is observing it for long enough. So, if you feel that your thoughts or emotions are in a turmoil or that a shadow is hanging over your life, simply become still, turn your gaze inward and contemplate the matter in question. Just be there in conscious awareness of the movements taking place within yourself and practise detachment with the aim of reaching an understanding of their origin. The created Universe is in being because there is a source of pure consciousness (God) watching the movements of space. In the expanses of space, where there is no consciousness overlooking it, darkness and chaos reign. An enlightened human mind, or one which is temporarily clear, one that does no longer actively identify with the "I" of the Ego but instead act as its impartial observer, is a channel for the Universal consciousness. Thus, by being a simple observer, you ...


I am not "I" and you are not "you" for I AM and your ARE. And yet, the "me" just like the "you" are part of what we ARE. However they are only temporal realities which are disappearing with the passing of time, whereas the "I" and the "you, who ARE, are part of Infinity, which is pure consciousness. So if you are thinking you are only the "you" of the you and thus not really existing. Whereas in moments which are free from personal thoughts and emotions, instances in which you simply ARE you ARE truly existing.


If you wish to get rid of the fear living within your Ego, you have to first be consciously aware of it in the actual moment it is influencing you in life, secondly there and then, accept it as part of you and also accept yourself despite of this „blemish“ to your desired perfection.   Only then, are you in a position to do anything about it. And the thing to do, of course, is to fill it with your love and understanding until it is no longer there. Metaphorically speaking is „yes“ equal to love and light, „no“ equal to fear and darkness. And we know, because the sun is demonstrating this truth to us every day anew, light is stronger than darkness. Now, if you are saying „no“ to the „no“ of your fear, you are feeding its strength, whereas saying „yes“ to the „no“ of your fear is weakening it. You have to keep on saying „yes“ until the „yes“ has overcome your instinctual „no“ and even longer, until you no longer know how to say „no“. (For your understanding: please, do not m...


Do you wish to remain youthful? Shed your worries and sorrows and get happy and cultivate peace of mind, body and heart. In this manner you shall keep your youthful playfulness and flexibility in disposition. And even though your face might grow wrinkles with time passing the people you meet will not take note of them but rather admire and enjoy your catching laughter and be aware the light, enlivening atmosphere of your aura. Even tough the aging process of the physical body is partly predestined by the inherited genes, you are also partly self dependent and thus left free to create your own bodily reality. Obviously the choice of food and the amount/quality of sleep are playing into it of how quickly it is ageing but even more pivotal is your inner state of being. Society induces the idea that having wrinkles and grey hair are turning you into an aged person. But really it is an inner lack of life and deadening stiffness which are causing old age in the body, its organs and tissues...


Economists are puzzled by the phenomenon that at the news of extreme financial crises, marketing sales rates usually go up as the willingness to spend money on part of the population increases - instead of decreasing as one would rather think. However knowing how the Ego-mind functions this in not to be wondered at. Because in moments, when the Ego is feeling threatened, i.e. is actively experiencing fear instead of only passively the way it is part of its inherent nature, it knows two different modes of action. Either it is jumping into active fighting mode or passive defence. The latter is characterized by the tendency to cling to false securities and fervently holding on to personal hopes and dreams in face of threatening circumstances. And the acquisition of material goods is providing exactly this kind of apparent security. However because nowadays credit cards, which are allowing for buying more than one's bank account actually contains, are commonly used to pay for ...


The reason for our incarnating in a human body time after time is for us to learn how to become masters of the physical plane. We are here, to attain mastership over the lower nature of our own selves by means of love-consciousness. Although by looking at the world today and its history so far one might come to think that our goal was rather to gain mastership over others through force of will... However only those who are not (yet) masters over their own selves have need to put themselves above others and to rule them forcefully. Those who have enlightened themselves with love, are masters in the true sense, because by being a shining example, they are inspiring others to follow after them and to do likewise. Self-mastery compromises the three qualities of love, wisdom and strength of will. All three are needed in equal measures thereto and must be kept in their right balance. However life upon all its levels of manifestation is constantly fluctuating, so to maintain this balance req...


Mind reigns both over matter and emotions and thus determines your personal reality. Therefore if you wish to change your life in any way, the place to start is your mind. Because your emotions and your physical sensations are merely following and reflecting the train of your thoughts. Of course, in order to be able to wreak any changes in the way your mind is working, you must first become consciously aware of its movements. Watch your thoughts and the way they are behaving in certain situations. Once you are conscious of your mind’s workings, you can then proceed to change their habitual instinctive patterns of behaviour. However this requires your constant watchful attention, because apart from the ago-old instinctive thought structures to be broken through by establishing new tracks for them to follow, there are your emotions as well as your body, which might be trying to keep you in your old rut by showing alarming symptoms or feel heavy and disturbed. It takes a while be...


The Heart does not think, it Is. True Love is rooted in the Heart and its existence is based upon its simple Being. Whereas the Ego-mind requires thoughts in order to secure its continuance. True love is liberating, bestows freedom and connects. Illusionary love conditions, constricts and binds. True Love is fearless because this kind of love shines in the Divine Light of the eternal present. In the here-now shadows of fear have no existence because fear arises from memories of the past. Thus it is, that the love of the Ego-mind lives with shadows of fear because it is deriving its existence from thoughts, which in turn are conditioned by past experiences.


I believe that everyone is openly or covertly, consciously or subconsciously looking for the love of their life. However only few are able to "find" it and many of those who have "found" it experience disillusionment at some stage because for some reason or other this "love" breaks/gets lost/ends etc. Only those are able to keep hold of the love of their life, who have used it as a means to awaken to the fount of love existing within their own selves and in life itself. The love of your life is existing within your own self and the place to find it is your spiritual heart centre. Once you have discovered it there you will henceforth be living in the reality of love and thus be able to recognize the love of life within the whole of your daily existence. And possibly you might meet this love in form of another person into the bargain. But now you are in a position to live this love- relation-ship freely because your feeling of love is flowing from your hea...


To be able to heartily laugh at your personal weaknesses and flaws, is leaving you free to love and to accept yourself even in moments in which your failings are most prominent. And because laughter has a relaxing effect upon a personal level, in this attitude you are more likely to be able to bring about positive change in yourself than if you get angry or impatient at the way you are.