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Unconditional Love is compassionate towards all forms of life, starting with the self. It flows freely to all, heedless of any conditionings your mind or senses might try to impose on you. It never demands either physical or mental affirmations of love from another because it simply IS. Living in this state of BEing, neither negation nor recognition of its existance on part of the external world can have any influence upon it- not even your personal thoughts and feelings can touch it. Because their reality reaches only as far up as the third chakra level, whereas Unconditional/Compassionate Love is a phenomenon of a consciousness rooted in the fourth, the Heart chakra. In this state you no longer expect certain things of people/the world in return of your love. Hence you can no longer be disappointed by the world if your personal wishes are not met the way you would like them to be best. In your compassionate affection, you are accepting of what is, unmarred by personal feelings and emotions. Of course, you may at times still ask people to do you favours, for "those who ask shall be given" - but whether they act upon it or not makes not difference in your appreciation of them as unique beings living according to their own truth. Knowing your own truth and guessing at the Divine Truth underlying all life, your senses are sharpened and refined enough to fathom other peoples, too.


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