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For as long as you still identify your-self with the senses, emotions and/or the mind, your love is a one-way street. This kind of love is bound to time and place. Being rooted in duality it is subject to fluctuation between the two extremes, either generating exhilaration or causing you to feel dissappointed/angry/hurt/lost. Love originating from, and taking place in the senses, the emotions and the mind are generally of an active kind, though with a tendency to passivity by causing stagnation in the flow of life. Because by actively striving for and clinging to an ideal state lying either in the future or past, they inevitably necessitate a negation of the status quo. Even in receiving, they remain partly active, always expecting/craving/wanting/taking/demanding more of the same or something else. However, this kind of loving is usually mistaken for the True Love, because they have the capacity to take possession of your entire being. It also has the power to temporarily fullfill all your dreams and wishes- as well as to cause your heart to ache or break.
True Love on the other hand, being a state of BEing, lies beyond horizontal time and duality. Hence it exists in vertical reality and is both active and passive at the same time. It knows no conditions and because it neither involves the mind nor the physical body, the heart is not in the danger of being ever broken. True Love is rooted and flows from the Spiritual Heart. Its main quality being an all-encompassing Compassion towards all life, it leaves no room for personal feelings, thoughts or emotions of frustration/disappointment/hate etc. Neither does it prefer one form of life, one individual over the other in its Love. Although personal preferences are still being registred by the mind and the senses,  they do no longer have the power to dominate and possess your mind and senses. Residing in a state of conditionless love, you are living in a reality which lies beyond them.
Therefore, falling in love with someone is no longer possible. The former being an obsession, a kind of fever, of the senses and the mind.


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