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The Mind as such is a wonderful intelligence, able to endow us with great wisdom, magical powers and helping us to attain evolutionary heights- if it is being used untainted by the motives of the Ego. Unfortunately, the greater part of humanity, especially those living in modern society, is still under the dominion of the ego-driven Mind, which mainly lives on fear and constantly fights for its survival.
One of its favourite occupations is doubting. Making you doubt in your-self, in the future, in others, in life, etc. In times of doubting the feeling of separation is enhanced, hence there is a greater danger of getting lost in the maze of thoughts and figments of the mind, than in times of a mind at peace. Doubts can deplete your strentgh by leading you away from your own truth. Away also, from the still centre of silence within from where all movements of life can be observed and into a wild chaos of circling thoughts and feelings, unsettling your emotions by touching hidden fears.
Yet there is a seond type of doubting, which has the opposite effect- it empowers you further by stengthening your resolve to walk on along your chosen path in faith and trust in your own perception of truth. This kind of doubting actually only appears as such to by-standers, for to your-self it is much more like reconsidering all the pro's and con's of the next step you have already given your consent to but now are suddenly feeling hestitant in taking. Therefore you call a halt before proceeding any further and take the time to scrutinize the decision in question. Although just like in the first scenario, thoughts and feelings are arising, they are not haphazard. Because you your-self are remaining unidentifyied with them, remaining in charge and chosing them in awareness you are holding the power over them. Moving into them, like swimming in deep waters, in order to return to the safety of the shore with the sought answers. The answers being "what has induced me to decide upon taking that step?" and "why am I hesitating now?".  In other words, you are moving away from the here-now into the past and the reality of your thoughts and feelings, in order to return to the here-now and your neutral persepective with an enhanced understanding of your own subconsciuos reactions which had had a chance to act and lead you into that situation because for a single moment in the past you had been inattentive. You are using your mind as a tool in order to return to your initial trust and faith with added insights into your self and your chosen path. Whereas in the first instance, what is commomly known as doubting, you are loosing you real self and are drowning in the avalanche of conflicting thoughts and feelings, vainly running after the figments of your mind. 


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