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Imagine your life in Earth to be like a wide ocean with your-self as a sailing boat upon its endless surface engaged in a life-long sea-voyage. Your physical birth constituting the place you set out from, death your final destination and in-between them various ports of call. The continuously blowing winds of change representing your destiny and deciding the routes by which you travel from one station to the next. Let your-self be navigated by listening to the voice of your Divine intuition and you will instinctively set your sails correctly and are thus able to travel at the speed of light in a state of inner joy and tranquility- even in times of calamities and heavy storms, never once failing to reach your next port of call, where there is the opportunity for you to rest awhile and regain your bearings. Although it might not always be the same port you expected to get to next on your route. And in the wohle of your journey, your Faith in a higher purpose is guiding you onwards and your Love for the sea and your attitude of surrender to the Heavenly winds of change, are rendering the voyage pleasurable and are creating a bright light at the stern, which has the power to enlighten your path even at night.


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