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"There's a danger in loving somebody too much..." runs the catch-phrase of a once popular pop-song This statement only applies in the case of love rooted in the Ego. For this kind of loving is bi-polar and can give you as much as take away from you, build as much as destroy, love as much as hate, can cause as much exhilaration as despair. And because it is projected onto another being with a mind of its own, the danger of the falling dagger is indeed a reality lurking within each moment this frenzy lasts. Since the Mind is such an unrealiable authority continuously fluctuating between extreemes, moreover riddled with deep-seated fears, loving somebody is a doubly dangerous undertaking because it also involves the mind of someone else. However, more-often than not, each mind wreaks the destruction of the apparently shared love by it-self, yet putting the blame on the other party involved.
The ego-oriented Mind, if beset by a fixation upon another being, as it is the case when it is "in love" is even more powerful than a Mind functioning in everyday-mode. Identifying your-self with it, your whole being reacts to its movements and your body and feelings get out hand, too, developing a life of their own. The three of them together playing mad have the effect of either lifting you up high, pulling you apart or throwing you into pits of darkness. The stronger you identify your-self with your mind, body and emotions the greater is the danger you are in. Heart-ache and -break, loss of interest in life and in the worst case even physical death can be the possible out-comes of a love that turned against you. A love rooted in mind and inadvertly falling victim to one of its Fears.
Love that arises from the Heart, on the other hand, a love that is not necessarily directed at another being in particular but rather springs from the love of the self and from there flows on to another and all life is never dangerous, never destructive. It stems from an understanding of the one-ness and equality of all life and therefore is unable to hate, blame and exclude. How can a drop of water feel  endangered by it-self or another drop of water, in the safe knowledge that every singly drop is part of the same sea? How can one drop of water love only one other drop, knowing that there are so many others equally beautiful and unique, equally worthy of the love? Impossible. This kind of love is all-encompassing and unconditional extended towards all forms of life, flowing in equal measures towards every part of the Unity- the self included. And because the external life is a reflection of the inward life, the more you love, the more love comes back at you - and the only danger in loving too much in this case is, that you might not be able to stop your-self from smiling or skipping along the road or dancing or singing or hugging people:-)


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