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The whole universe is a manifestation of Divine Light-Love Energy, vibrating at different frequencies and thus creating different planes, spheres of consciuosness and density. The amount of Energy contained in this universe can neither be diminisehd nor increased, only transformed to a higher level of consciousness and less density or locked up to appear on a lower level of consciousness of higher density. Hence nothing we ever do, think, say, feel or believe is ever lost, but actually only changes form, and will invariably return to us in one way or another and at some time or other. We might not necessarily recognize is as the answer to our own being- yet it always is. One could say that the world around us is a mirror of all that we are indiviually and collectively. But different from the mirrors made of glass in which the physical forms are easily recognizable as our bodily selfs, the world reflects our consciuosness and subconsciuosness. Therefore, the more consciously aware of your-self you grow, the easier you will recognize your own reflection in the life and people around you. The same way that it is impossible to change your reflection in a mirror of glass without first changing your physical appearence, it is equally impossible to change your life and perception of the world without transforming your consciuosness. Even though at times it may seem it to be possible because outward appearences of your life can indeed be altered by change of place/set of friends/increase or decrease in fortune etc. But since the physical plane is but a manifestation of the Energy it contains, outward appearences are decieving. By trying to change your life outwardly only, as soon as the excitment over the ew has worn off, you will find your-self in a same postition as before- if not worse because of the disappointment over the failure.


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