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Showing posts from October, 2011


The Mind is very inconsistant- it cannot help it, because it is caught in the reality of duality. It wants freedom, yet clings on to everything within its grasp. It wishes for the future yet simultaneaously holds on to past memories. Therefore, for as long as you are identifying your-self with the Mind, you will be fluctuating between extreemes, too, and in difficult moments actually feel lost or even torn in half. However, the way out of this state of identification with your Mind is not by fighting against it. All attempts to fight against it- even the subtlest ones like for example actively striving for a state of "No-Mind" will have exactly the reverse effect. Much like having a hurting knee, which you are trying to cure by thumping it, shouting at it to stop aching. The way out of the identification is by applying your awareness. To become conscious of your Mind's process by watching the stream of thoughts running through it and their attendant feelings and physical...


"There's a danger in loving somebody too much..." runs the catch-phrase of a once popular pop-song This statement only applies in the case of love rooted in the Ego. For this kind of loving is bi-polar and can give you as much as take away from you, build as much as destroy, love as much as hate, can cause as much exhilaration as despair. And because it is projected onto another being with a mind of its own, the danger of the falling dagger is indeed a reality lurking within each moment this frenzy lasts. Since the Mind is such an unrealiable authority continuously fluctuating between extreemes, moreover riddled with deep-seated fears, loving somebody is a doubly dangerous undertaking because it also involves the mind of someone else. However, more-often than not, each mind wreaks the destruction of the apparently shared love by it-self, yet putting the blame on the other party involved. The ego-oriented Mind, if beset by a fixation upon another being, as it is the case ...


The noun "project" is applied whenever a venture one undertakes has not been fully predefined and every detail mapped out and decided beforehand. In calling it a project, therefore, one allows the possibility of failure or rather; of not achieving the exact visionary ideal. Still aiming at the highest but simultaneously, leaving the out-come open. Participants of a project are usually regretful when it draws to an end, because even though during the time it lasted, they might have had a hard time of it and a great workload to deal with, at the same time it had given them a feeling of being acutely alive and endlessly energetic. As if, during those times, life had somehow lost its habituary weight and become rather like a light-hearted game one is set on winning. Also, in projects the team-spirit is often all-encompassing and friends are made easily. Conclusion: Life should be regarded as a project. An experiment in which everyone involved is giving his/her best for the benef...


Every part of Nature possesses an inborn beauty and is existing by innocently rejoicing in its own uniqueness. Unfortunately most of humankind, save for little children and those who have re-become like them, are unable to take part in this natural dance of love due to their fixation upon their Egos. For, an individual living purely in the world of Mind, thus caught up in comparisons and set ideals of beauty, will not recognize the magnificence of e.g. an unremarkable wild-flower. In the same way as he would not see any beauty in an old, bent woman with eyes brimming over with love for life. True beauty shines from within and can seldom be either pin-pointed or sufficiently expressed in words. Loving your-self in every aspect of your being from within, there is no way you cannot love your fellow beings and your life, too, because they are all reflections of what you are. Hence radiating beauty and giving love freely, you will invariably get the same in return. You do not have to b...


Living with all your senses immersed in the here-now and in full consciousness of your multi-dimensional self, your entire reality is contained in each single moment. This endows you with the insight by way of direct experience, that every part of life moves at its own perticular speed, the sum total of existance being directed by the Highest intelligence and that the only way for you to come close to an understanding of it is by surrendering your-self to its beat in Faith and Love. In this knowledge, any feeling of impatience on your part disappears because impatience is always a symptom of Fear. A fear which has become foreign to you, having now attained to this state of complete trust in life.


To trust in the Divine/God, is safe, because for as long as you are there, the Divine, expressed in life, will be there, too. Whereas trusting and relying irretrievably in other people or material objects is a very dangerous undertaking because they, just like you, are subject to change and thus also to death/disintegration/decay. However, this does not imply you should not trust in loved ones, simply remain aware of the fact throughout, that ultimately you can only rely upon God and your link with it by way of your spirit. Therefore, trust and rely upon people and objects only for moments in time without clinging onto them for any longer. To live in trust of life is not the same as being naïve, altough to people still living in the reality of the Ego-Mind with its fearful nature, it might appear thus because you are not worried about your future and are not constantly trying to plan ahead. To be trustful towards life stems from the safe knowledge perceived by the Heart, that whatever...


Teach your-self to see the potential of growth and self-enlightenment within every situation of your life, especially those in which you are not getting what you believed you needed. Realize the root cause of any confrontation you meet with by silent colloquy, analyizing it in a detached way to find out what kind of role-playing has been going on on your part. Seek also to recognize the opposite side and go backwards in your memory, trying to find the moments in your life in which you played that part your-self. Dive deep into the feelings and thoughts that were caused by those disharmonious moments and locate their origin within you. Which kind of Fear has induced you to those particular reactions in aswer to the situation in question? Bestow loving awareness and compassionate love liberally onto your-self and whoever else was involved. Look upon your-self and the other party/parties as harmless children who solely acted out of fear of an imagined threat, a ghost. All fears are nothin...


Unconditional Love is compassionate towards all forms of life, starting with the self. It flows freely to all, heedless of any conditionings your mind or senses might try to impose on you. It never demands either physical or mental affirmations of love from another because it simply IS. Living in this state of BEing, neither negation nor recognition of its existance on part of the external world can have any influence upon it- not even your personal thoughts and feelings can touch it. Because their reality reaches only as far up as the third chakra level, whereas Unconditional/Compassionate Love is a phenomenon of a consciousness rooted in the fourth, the Heart chakra. In this state you no longer expect certain things of people/the world in return of your love. Hence you can no longer be disappointed by the world if your personal wishes are not met the way you would like them to be best. In your compassionate affection, you are accepting of what is, unmarred by personal feelings and em...


Living faithfully in the Light of Love, always following the voice of your Heart, will get you through any situation in life. Because Love cures Fear, Light dissipates Darkness and Faith drives you onwards and upwards. Love towards your-self, melts down the barriers of Fear within, enabling the Light of Consciousness seep into the remotest corner, revealing your diversity, sparkling in its unique beauty. In this state of loving compassion and awareness of your-self, you will automatically recognize every one around you, too, as what they truly are. Eyes that are no longer blinded by Fear of Darkness cannot help but see the Love and Light wherever they turn.


True healing can ultimately only happen from within the self by re-connecting to the fount of all life, the Divine source, Hightest intelligence, God, Love, Light- by whatever name you want to call It. All suffering being caused by a lack of Love and Light, opening up your mind and senses to the reality of Love and Light beyond the perceived Darkness invariably has the effect of healing.


To remain soft and bendable like a young reed within your Mind, cultivating the ability to recognize and to admit to failures on your part, without making your-self a victim, is not an easy task in this world of ours, which is still largely ruled by the Ego-Mind and thus caught up in an exclusively dualistic reality. The latter, up to a certain degree, always necessitating two opposing roles in any situation. Yet it can be achieved, if you know how to remain consciuosly aware of the non-dualistic Truth underlying all dualistic appearence and by not indentifying with the current part you are enacting. Thus you have the power to enfuse any situation with the greater Truth, which in turn dissolves duality and renders apparent opponents as equals.


Picture the Divine creation we are living in as an immensely big mosaïque, made up of uncountable and minutely intricate colourful pieces, each one unique in it-self and all of them together forming a perfect whole which is constatly changing its appearence. The Mind in its limited form can only see one tiny fragment of it at a time, because its view is shaded by preconceived ideas and restricted by what it believes to be true. Rather like looking through a peep-hole while wearing darkened glasses as well. The Heart, on the other hand, being in direct contact with the Creator, thus having the abilitity to sense the complete picture, is endowed with Faith in its perception of the apparently invisible Truth. The wise Mind knows how to listen to the Heart. The Heart, over-flowing with Love, has the power to melt down the restrictions within the Mind, opening it up to allow the limitless and inconceiveable. In this new state of consciuosness the Light of the Divine shines through it and ra...


There is a general trend in the Western world to want to reach a state of No-Mind. The striving for this state more often than not is an undertaking which actually causes exactly the opposite effect in the aspirant because the mind starts fighting against its own existance and thus the whole mission becomes a internal fight. Also, there is the fact that unless you abdictate the world and become a hermit, yogi or monk living in seclusion, you actually need the practical thinking mind in order to survive and cope with everyday life in a society mainly based on mind structures. The ideal state therefore is to be able to use your mind consciously as a tool whenever it is needed and for the rest of the time live according to the wisdom and qualities of the Heart. A possible path to achieve this state is to first become fully aware of all your thoughts at all times, teaching your-self to observe them without letting your-self be involved by them. Having mastered this step, proceeding on to...


For as long as your consciousness is still rooted in, identified with, the reality your Mind presents you with, living in the here-now is an impossibility. Instead, you will be fluctuating between past and future and depending on your psychological/mental/physical state of being this will be a reality coming in varying shades from utterly joyful to raging with anger, heavy depression, paralizing fears etc. Especially in difficult or depressing situations many tend to become obsessed with the fervent wish to know what the future might hold for them. Either out of the fear that it may be worse than the present moment or the hope it may be much improved. Yet unless you are willing to truly recognize your present circumstances and to accept your own part in it as what it is, the "future" is never going to be any different from the here-now. Even though there will be times where you are believing it has changed, simply because its outward appearence has varied. Life is an wheel e...


In letting your-self be guided by the voice of your Divine intuition it becomes ever new and exciting, revealing beauty and manifestations of Love and Light in unexpected places and moments. Because although by diligent practise and working on purifying your mind and senses more and more, enables you to catch glimpses, endows you with fore-sight and premontions of what is to come and of where your path is going to take you next, the actual life is still going to surprise you. However, your Mind will be asking you a lot of questions of why you are doing such and such and more often than not it will want to disagree with the voice of the heart accopmanied by the inherent sensation, which is assertaining you:"Yes, this is right because it feels right to me". And of course, for as long as your own Mind is still rebelling, inevitably there will be people in your life around you, questioning your altered way of living. Answereing their "whys" is not going to be an easy t...


"The Future takes care of it-self" goes a popular saying, which is pronounced in times when worries and doubts of what the future might hold are becoming too over-whelming, in the hope of thus gaining a little peace of mind. Indeed, the future does take care of it-self, in fact there is no other possible option for it to be. Yet unless you learn to live in the awareness of the present the "future" will never actually come to pass. To be living fully conscious in the here-now teaches you to realize that both past and future are only projections of you mind and that the present moment is all that you can ever possess. Yet by clinging to memories of the past and losing your-self in phantasies of what the future might bring, you are missing even that. And maybe at the end of your life you will look back in regret of all the time wasted with vain dreaming and worrying. The only moments remaining imprinted within your consciousness wil bee those in which you experienced h...


The Truth, Life and Love are so simple that there are no words to accurately express their full meaning. The only way to know them, is by living each moment in the full awareness of your beautiful wholeness and to consciously participate in the great wheeling dance of existance.


All life happens for a reason and serves a higher purpose in the Divine order of creation. Nothing you ever do is pointless or superfluous- unless you your-self are judging it to be so. But even then, although you might see it that way and by so doing are causing inner disharmony, it still remains meaningful to the unity. The more you come to recognize the Truth, Love and Light hidden within all levels of your own being and the life around you, the less your view will be obstructed by the limiting perspective induced by your mind and the clearer you will see your-self not only as an indiviual but as a part of the Divine unity, too. This, in turn, will make you come to understand and realize the power and responsibility you are actually holding.


The Mind as such is a wonderful intelligence, able to endow us with great wisdom, magical powers and helping us to attain evolutionary heights- if it is being used untainted by the motives of the Ego. Unfortunately, the greater part of humanity, especially those living in modern society, is still under the dominion of the ego-driven Mind, which mainly lives on fear and constantly fights for its survival. One of its favourite occupations is doubting. Making you doubt in your-self, in the future, in others, in life, etc. In times of doubting the feeling of separation is enhanced, hence there is a greater danger of getting lost in the maze of thoughts and figments of the mind, than in times of a mind at peace. Doubts can deplete your strentgh by leading you away from your own truth. Away also, from the still centre of silence within from where all movements of life can be observed and into a wild chaos of circling thoughts and feelings, unsettling your emotions by touching hidden fears. ...


Everyone strives for harmony, be it on a conscious or subconsciuos level, because harmony is the natural state of all life- or rather was, and still would be, if the human Mind had not interfered with it at some stage in evolution. The natural state of the Divine creation is an expression of complete harmony, in which even to the human mind apparent chaos and disruptions have their place in serving a particular purpose. The Mind believing it-self to be seperated from the rest of the Unity is forever afraid of its extiction and therefore continuously fighting for its survival and thus causing disharmony on all levels of our being and the Unity's. Yet at the same time the Divine spark in us endows us with the inherent urge to strive for a state of inner and outer harmony. However, while the Mind is still in charge of our lives, reaching a state of harmony is quite impossible. For even if there might be moments of peace- we would not be able to recognize them as such due to the dist...


For as long as you still identify your-self with the senses, emotions and/or the mind, your love is a one-way street. This kind of love is bound to time and place. Being rooted in duality it is subject to fluctuation between the two extremes, either generating exhilaration or causing you to feel dissappointed/angry/hurt/lost. Love originating from, and taking place in the senses, the emotions and the mind are generally of an active kind, though with a tendency to passivity by causing stagnation in the flow of life. Because by actively striving for and clinging to an ideal state lying either in the future or past, they inevitably necessitate a negation of the status quo. Even in receiving, they remain partly active, always expecting/craving/wanting/taking/demanding more of the same or something else. However, this kind of loving is usually mistaken for the True Love, because they have the capacity to take possession of your entire being. It also has the power to temporarily fullfill all...


In the process of personal transformation you are moving beyond what you have hithero believed your-self and life to be. However, transformation of consciousness necessitates the willingness to recognize and lovingly accept and embrace whatever it meets in the self at any given moment in time- without "buts" and "ifs". Because how else could you move beyond what you are, if your starting point is a distortion of the Mind, instead of the truth of the moment?


All things and circumstances in the outward world are transitory, destined to change, vanish or die. The only riches that endure all time are the fruits of consciousness found and accumulated within the self.


Life is very simple. Love is very simple, Truth is very simple. The one who renders them complicated for us is the Mind driven by Fear of change, its set idea of its separateness and its conviction to know it all best.


The whole universe is a manifestation of Divine Light-Love Energy, vibrating at different frequencies and thus creating different planes, spheres of consciuosness and density. The amount of Energy contained in this universe can neither be diminisehd nor increased, only transformed to a higher level of consciousness and less density or locked up to appear on a lower level of consciousness of higher density. Hence nothing we ever do, think, say, feel or believe is ever lost, but actually only changes form, and will invariably return to us in one way or another and at some time or other. We might not necessarily recognize is as the answer to our own being- yet it always is. One could say that the world around us is a mirror of all that we are indiviually and collectively. But different from the mirrors made of glass in which the physical forms are easily recognizable as our bodily selfs, the world reflects our consciuosness and subconsciuosness. Therefore, the more consciously aware of yo...


Freedom is a word loaded with different and differing meanings to it, for every individual has a personal definition for it. However, at least in the Western world, there is a general meaning to it, too, which has been generated by the film industry, where "freedom" has become a synonym for the image of an individual rinding/walking/driving/flying into the sunset/sunrise in an open and beautiful countryside. Also the words "holidays" and "vacation" generally imply a kind of freedom. One could say that to the majority of people freedom is understood in the sense of having lots of spare time and the means to spend it as one pleases best. Yet, this is freedom on a very superficial level only, for if you dig deeper you will realize that few are able to actually feel freedom at any given time n their life- be it at work or on holiday. Again, there are others who do not get any free time to them-selves ever and believing that they would be able to feel free then...


Imagine your life in Earth to be like a wide ocean with your-self as a sailing boat upon its endless surface engaged in a life-long sea-voyage. Your physical birth constituting the place you set out from, death your final destination and in-between them various ports of call. The continuously blowing winds of change representing your destiny and deciding the routes by which you travel from one station to the next. Let your-self be navigated by listening to the voice of your Divine intuition and you will instinctively set your sails correctly and are thus able to travel at the speed of light in a state of inner joy and tranquility- even in times of calamities and heavy storms, never once failing to reach your next port of call, where there is the opportunity for you to rest awhile and regain your bearings. Although it might not always be the same port you expected to get to next on your route. And in the wohle of your journey, your Faith in a higher purpose is guiding you onwards and yo...