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It is not theoretical knowledge that is rendering your life meaningful, enjoyable and unique. It is your practical application of the positive knowledge you are calling yours, which counts.
You already know this, I guess. Yet in everyday life it is not always easy to apply because the Ego is very subtle in dissembling the true reason for your motives.
Let me give you a few examples:
"Time is relative." I know, that this probably is no news to your either. Everyone can know it by simply recalling how eternal days could feel to you when you were still a child and how short they often seem when you are older. But are you living the relativity of time every day in a positive way? You always have all the time in the world at your disposal for anything - but you must grant it yourself! If you are putting yourself under stress time can appear very real and material.
Here is an other one:
"Money/material possessions/admiration/social prestige do not bring you love."
But how often do you hanker after one or the other in order to feel good about yourself? Ambition is the culprit desire. Whenever you detect it in your thinking pause, turn the other way. Away from the hope of love that is/might be shown to you from the outside and towards to love that is existing in your Self.
"Money cannot buy you safety" (i.e. protect you from dying).
But how much money are you saving up in your bank "just in case"? Or how many houses/cars/shoes/hats/handbags etc. do you call your own? Accumulating material goods is all about desiring to feel safe. But the only security we have is that we(our physical body)are going to die some day.


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