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Is the need/desire to eat a primal instinct to secure the survival of the “I” or rather a hunger/lust for Divine life-force?
Seen from a bio-chemical viewpoint the physical body requires certain elements in order to remain alive and healthy (i.e. in balance). Whereas from an energetic viewpoint from which all parts and forms life are understood to be manifestations of God-force in different states of concretion, all the physical body has to do in order to secure its continuance is to absorb this substance in some way. So the required density of the life-giving substance depends upon the state of consciousness inherent in the organism needing to be fed. The more fully a physical body has been transcended and refined by consciousness, the better it is able to absorb the all-permeating life-force in its purely etheric form and the less it is dependent upon particular physical substances.
There are many scientific theories stating what one needs in order to stay healthy and also what the body is capable of doing and what it is unable to. For example there is the widely held belief that vitamins can only be absorbed if combined with salt or fat. While this may be true for some people it is by no means a commonly shared reality. If we differentiate between the different states of development of physical bodies it only applies to those whose bodily vibration is still based upon the dense levels of salt and fat – both physical components of the human body itself and thus able to act as transmitters. Whereas a more refined physical organism is able to recognize the vibration of the trace elements contained in the nutrition and to thus absorb them directly. And a body of a still higher spiritual development does not even partake of vitamins anymore because it is vibrating at a level high enough to receive the required life-force directly form the air it is breathing.
So conclusively we could say, that in a person of an undeveloped consciousness eating is a primal instinct of the body and in one of a higher developed consciousness to feel the need to eat is more a lust for life.


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