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Mind reigns both over matter and emotions and thus determines your personal reality. Therefore if you wish to change your life in any way, the place to start is your mind. Because your emotions and your physical sensations are merely following and reflecting the train of your thoughts. Of course, in order to be able to wreak any changes in the way your mind is working, you must first become consciously aware of its movements. Watch your thoughts and the way they are behaving in certain situations. Once you are conscious of your mind’s workings, you can then proceed to change their habitual instinctive patterns of behaviour. However this requires your constant watchful attention, because apart from the ago-old instinctive thought structures to be broken through by establishing new tracks for them to follow, there are your emotions as well as your body, which might be trying to keep you in your old rut by showing alarming symptoms or feel heavy and disturbed. It takes a while before the new thought-patterns are strong enough to effect renewal upon your emotional and physical levels, too. It is obvious, that a mind in a calm state is easier to observe and to influence than one in a worried or excited state. So your second object should be to bring tranquillity to your mind.
Life in itself is constant movement and the mind likes nothing better than to follow it. In addition there are the fluctuations taking place within your personal Ego. Thus to achieve moments of inner silence and clarity is no easy task in every-day life. The only sure way to bring serenity and calmness to the mind is by teaching yourself to look beyond appearances and to concentrate upon their still centre instead. And likewise within your own self to focus less upon your thoughts and instead become more aware of the flow of your breath.
Heaven lives in the heart and it is there within your reach at all times – to attain to its peace and tranquillity, all you have to do is to shift your consciousness away from the fluctuations in your mind and emotions. And once your main focus of attention is resting upon your heart centre and its inherent serenity, getting rid of hindering behavioural thought patterns and creating new ones suddenly becomes a very easy task.


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