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The Mind is very inconsistant- it cannot help it, because it is caught in the reality of duality. It wants freedom, yet clings on to everything within its grasp. It wishes for the future yet simultaneaously holds on to past memories. Therefore, for as long as you are identifying your-self with the Mind, you will be fluctuating between extreemes, too, and in difficult moments actually feel lost or even torn in half. However, the way out of this state of identification with your Mind is not by fighting against it. All attempts to fight against it- even the subtlest ones like for example actively striving for a state of "No-Mind" will have exactly the reverse effect. Much like having a hurting knee, which you are trying to cure by thumping it, shouting at it to stop aching.
The way out of the identification is by applying your awareness. To become conscious of your Mind's process by watching the stream of thoughts running through it and their attendant feelings and physical sensations from a neutral perspective- as if you were an non-involved by-stander. Learn to be still, passive inside- throughout all storms of toughts, feelings and physical sensations that might rage upon the surface of your being. The personality part of you, which lives encorporated in a physical body, having to function in a world of duality. By way of non-identification with your Mind's process you gain the power to consciuosly influence your thoughts. By transforming them into Light and Love, your Mind will lose its influence upon you attention, making it easier for you to immerse your-self in the here-now- without the conflicting thoughts hindering your every step and confusing you by constantly calling you into different directions.


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