Everyone, who has ever consciously watched a flower evolve from a small bud into a resplendent blossom, knows that in the course of its development it is growing more beautiful, more colourful and brilliant by each passing day. It is the flower's experience of the refreshing rain, the warming rays of sunshine, the nourishing soil and the enlivening air, which is rendering this beauteous miracle of life possible.
The life of human individuals who have balanced out their personal existence in the sphere of dense matter by conscious awareness of its spiritual counterpart and origin, resembles the development of a blossoming flower. The awareness of the spiritual reality and greater laws of life is allowing them to accept each moment as it comes and are thus capable of passing through their personal experiences with a loving "yes" in their heart and mind. And even though their bodies are growing old and finally wither away, through their acceptance of all of their experiences each passing day their personality is growing forever more brilliant, colourful and sparkling until their last day on earth.
Whereas those, who are fighting against the reality of their life are like flowers who carry all the potential to grow big and beautiful, but are refusing to absorb the falling rain, hide away from the caring sun, pull in their roots and are holding their breath....
The life of human individuals who have balanced out their personal existence in the sphere of dense matter by conscious awareness of its spiritual counterpart and origin, resembles the development of a blossoming flower. The awareness of the spiritual reality and greater laws of life is allowing them to accept each moment as it comes and are thus capable of passing through their personal experiences with a loving "yes" in their heart and mind. And even though their bodies are growing old and finally wither away, through their acceptance of all of their experiences each passing day their personality is growing forever more brilliant, colourful and sparkling until their last day on earth.
Whereas those, who are fighting against the reality of their life are like flowers who carry all the potential to grow big and beautiful, but are refusing to absorb the falling rain, hide away from the caring sun, pull in their roots and are holding their breath....
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