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While there are several factors of both a personal and social character, which are promoting the (sub-)conscious desire for a steady relation-ship and belief in peoples minds, that to have a partner for "keeps" is the ultimate solution to all of their life's difficulties. The main one appears to be the idea, that to be happily matched in a love relation-ship would act as a safe-guard from life's haphazardly occurring changes and also from personal insecurities and doubts. Certainly, a well-balanced partner-ship which is built upon mutual feelings of love and respect and similar interests can indeed absorb blows of fate and assimilate material losses and even pass the test of time and last through personal changes. Whereas those individuals, who are passing through life without steady partner because they have not found their "perfect" mate may indeed be buffeted about more by life's fluctuations. But anyone believing that the love of another living being would give them automatically and unfailingly security in themselves and stability in life will have to wake up some day to find that this is not true. For only the unconditional love to be found and cultivated within your own heart towards your own multi-dimensional being can ultimately bring you this desired security. However not in the shape you have imagined it to be because while you thought that love would shield you from life's inevitable changes and personal losses, it does no such thing. But if you have discovered your Divine essence within your own heart and rest in this state of love, haphazard strokes of fate and material incertitudes cease to seem threatening to your inherent sense of security and deep-founded trust towards yourself and your own existence. This way of loving is turning your heart into the safe port you have been hopelessly longing after to be given by others and been futilely looking to find in your relation-ships.


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