There are two ways of loving - the one is making you feel whole and the other one incomplete. If you love with your heart, it is a fulfilling experience which is unconditional and knows no end. To love from the heart is lifting you out of your Ego-perspective and enables you to share in the Universal love which is connecting all forms of life. Whereas to love from the Ego you love from a purely personal level and thus your love usually depends upon another person and/or requires certain conditions in order to be pleasurable. Furthermore it is sure to end some day.
So if you long to find eternal love, teach yourself to love from the heart. Having learnt this and henceforth living your personal love in the light of the transcendental love will give you a sense of fulfilment and the times of feeling torn in half and unhappy by loving will be over.
So if you long to find eternal love, teach yourself to love from the heart. Having learnt this and henceforth living your personal love in the light of the transcendental love will give you a sense of fulfilment and the times of feeling torn in half and unhappy by loving will be over.
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