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There is a bright and a dark side, a positive and a negative aspect to everything in manifestation. If you can see a shadow, there must be a light somewhere and where there is a light, shadows invariably appear.

Divine force can only manifest on Earth and thus enliven dense matter, if there is a concrete form for it to indwell. However only forms which are built in awareness and love can be enlivened by God, while fear-created forms, on the other hand, are vehicles for dark forces. The human mind, with its ability to create and perceive limited forms, is shaping the reality of life on Earth by ways of its form-defined thoughts. Therefore depending upon your personal state of being and grade of conscious awareness, you are either making use of your Ego-mind in a constructive or a destructive way. 
Life-forms are conditioned by the mind of their creator. Whereas God creates in Love and Light and His created forms are left free to develop within themselves once they have been made, human-beings are conditioned in their thinking by their Ego's fear. To love consciously, to create in this spirit and to let free in love the created forms afterwards, is something they have to learn laboriously.
Someone with an unenlightened Ego-mind is blinded by fear of death, thus creates life-forms mainly unconsciously and afterwards holds them fast. This fear is caused by the Egos inherent belief in limitation, which makes it feel secluded and endangered by life's changes. To counter-act this fear, the Ego-mind holds on to set beliefs, ideas etc., things it already knows and thus believes to be in control of. So for as long as your personal existence is reigned by the Ego-mind and its fears, you are unable to make use of your Divine gift to become a co-creator of God and are only reaping the negative and limiting side of the form-giving quality of your Ego-mind.
To the degree you have achieved to enlightenment your mind and to gain awareness and control over your thoughts, you are in a position to consciously build and to create beautiful forms with your thoughts and to witness their becoming indwelt and kept alive by the power of God. 


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